E la fomos nos no ZOOLOGICO com as criancas.... Maridex muito triste foi trabalhar (mas nao dava pra ser recusar gente...hora extra aqui, povo ganha horrores...)..
Tudo combinado, las pras 10:30am partimos rumo ao ZOO.
No Brasil, nunca fui ao Zoo, sei la, nunca rolou... e aqui... quando nao se tem filhos, nao se visita muito o Zoologico nao eh mesmo? Minha experiencia com animais vem so do "Animal Kingdom - Disney World" que tbem eh MARAVILHOSO... Mas, nada como um Zoologico de verdade, pra se sentir... no meio da bixarada!
Ate pensei em comprar brinquedos pra minhas duas fofinhas (IZZY AND JUJU), mas ninguem no mundo tem mais brinquedo que essas duas, e eu realmente nao vi necessidade...
Foi um dos melh0res passeios que eu fiz... Nos divertimos tanto ! (Telmita e eu, morriamos de ir de tudo, parecia ate que tinhamos tomado umas...)hihihi!!!
Roger-man (maridex da Marmita) foi um gentleman... cuidou das criancas, pegava no colo, rodopiava... foi muuuuuito legal mesmo!
O que eu mais gostei foi DAR UMA VOLTINHA NO ELEFANTE.. pode ate ser bobeira, mas tai uma das coisas que tinha no meu BUCKET LIST - Hihihi!
In English:
I have to confess: my first experience in a real ZOO was yesterday with my dear Friends (Telma & Roger) and our kids. I am not counting ANIMAL KINGDOM AT DISNEY...
We had so much Fun! Telma and I laughed the whole time, it seemed like we had some drinks... but WE DIDN'T! We were just having so much fun!
The kids... I can't even tell you, they played, they ran, they were so amazed by the animals, they ate a lot, complained... cried... got hurt...lololol...
It was an amazing time! something really cool to celebrate: DAY OF THE CHILDREN.
October 12 is DAY OF THE CHILDREN (in Brazil) and nothing better than spending time with these incredible girls that we looove so much!
One of my favorite things was the ELEPHANT RIDE - it was really cool, but I have to say: It was not worth $10 dollars (for each person) for a 50 seconds ride ...
... Maybe it was! After the ride, Izzy and Juju had that big smile on their faces and they both were so happy ... so, I guess it was worth it!
Juju slept over and the fun continued...
I have to confess: my first experience in a real ZOO was yesterday with my dear Friends (Telma & Roger) and our kids. I am not counting ANIMAL KINGDOM AT DISNEY...
We had so much Fun! Telma and I laughed the whole time, it seemed like we had some drinks... but WE DIDN'T! We were just having so much fun!
The kids... I can't even tell you, they played, they ran, they were so amazed by the animals, they ate a lot, complained... cried... got hurt...lololol...
It was an amazing time! something really cool to celebrate: DAY OF THE CHILDREN.
October 12 is DAY OF THE CHILDREN (in Brazil) and nothing better than spending time with these incredible girls that we looove so much!
One of my favorite things was the ELEPHANT RIDE - it was really cool, but I have to say: It was not worth $10 dollars (for each person) for a 50 seconds ride ...
... Maybe it was! After the ride, Izzy and Juju had that big smile on their faces and they both were so happy ... so, I guess it was worth it!
Juju slept over and the fun continued...
2 comentários:
Que dia maravilhoso amiga, foi muito divertido mesmo! Adorei! As meninas ficaram tao felizes ne? Pena que o Daniel teve que trabalhar... fica para a proxima, a Juju amou sleeping over , ela disse que teve muito fun! Valeu amiga! Beijo
They both look so cute!!! Great pictures.
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