29 de jul. de 2008


*Olha ai minha cara de manteiga derretida... chorando, chorando...

Gente, nao da nem pra dizer o quao maravilhosa foi esta viagem a Disney (tao merecida por sinal), mas vou tentar anyway.
1o. de tudo: O hotel "Saratoga Springs" - Out of this world, literally! Coisa + linda!
A suite que ficamos acomodava 5 pessoas, com direito a cozinha, 2 banheiros, jacuzi , maquina de lavar roupa, louca e secadora, King Size Bed...
A vista.. magnifica (muito verde e varios lagos com imenso chafariz)... linda vista!
Foi uma segunda lua-de-mel, sem sombra de duvidas e momentos inesqueciveis vivemos nestes dias!
Nosso aniversario de casamento foi quinta dia 24 de julho (celebramos 4 anos) - jantamos no mesmo restaurante que fomos ha 4 anos atras em nossa lua-de-mel "Tony's restaurant" - coisa + rica (todo decorado ao tema do filme: The Lady and the Tramp), pedimos a mesma comida:
Linguini with meatballs e de appetizer, comemos um delicioso calamari!
Antes do jantar, Dan me proporcionou uma ride de charrete pelos arredores com direito a vinho branco e um colar lindissimo de presente de aniversario de casamento!!!
Eu... como sempre... chorei ate... da pra ver pelo meu olho vermelho ai na foto... mas eh que fiquei surpresa com o presente, eu tava achando que a viagem eh que era nosso presente "um pro outro"... ai que meigooooooooo....
Os dias foram realmente maravilhosos (ate cliche ficar repetindo), mas eh a + pura verdade... Nos divertimos como ha muito nao faziamos... brincamos, rimos muito, falamos besteiras, assistimos tv, acordamos tarde, brincamos na piscina... fomos em todos os brinquedos do parque (ou quase todos - risos)... fizemos amor... compramos presentes ate dizer chega pra Izzy e pra todos que ficaram pra traz...enfim... foi muito bom!
Agradeco primeiramente a Deus por me abencoar com tantas alegrias, ao meu marido por ser tao generoso, aos meus sogros por estarem sempre tao presentes em nossas vidas ...

Beijo no coracao!

In English:
Dear friends and Family - we had a blast!
Starting from the resort "Saratoga Springs" absolutely gorgeous! Bedroom with king size bed, living room that could sleep easy 4 people, a bathroom, another bathroom with Jacuzi, kitchen, laundry room .. and a stunning view to a beautiful park with a tall, pretty waterfont !
It was a great "second honeymoon"!
Dan and I had so much fun together - we took advantage from the late hours for guests staying in the resorts and we're able to go to every park and do every ride more than once (or almost every ride) - LOL!
The pools in our hotel were so beautiful and we spent great hours in them, talking, tanning, drinking... swimming...
Our aniversary was thursday (July 24) and we went to the same restaurant we were 4 years ago in our honeymoon "Tony's".
Loved it! the theme: THE LADY AND THE TRAMP - very cute! we had linguinni with meatballs and calamari for app.
Before that, Dan got us a Horse Carriage Ride - How fun was that! We had cold white wine and he gave me a gorgeous gold leaf necklace for our aniversary!
I was so surprised, 'cause he told me to don't buy anything for him (the trip was our gift for each other) and I totally believed him ! How innocent!!! LOL!
You can see my face - I was so happily surprised and very emotional as well (bunch of tears, as usual)....
I know it sounds very cliche keep repeating how nice everything was, but it really was great!
We reconnected, we laughed so loud, we bought so many things, we enjoyed every second of it!!!
I just can not Thank enough God for so many blessings in my life! I also Thank my hubby for being so generous and a Big thanks to my in-laws for all the support and love!
It was a MAGICAL TIME!!!!
By : Renatinha Wilson*

16 de jul. de 2008


Amigas, nao eh facil emagrecer! (acho que todas nos concordamos com este statement), nao eh verdade?
Quando engravidei da minha filha Izzy, eu perdi muito peso, tive um troco chamado: Hipermesis Gravidarium e posso dizer que foram os piores momentos da minha vida...
Vomitava dia e noite, aproximadamente 25 vezes ao dia... colocaram um catete na minha veia no comeco da gravidez quando concluiram que eu nao conseguia comer e portanto alimentar o bebe, e esse catete insuportavel com soro e alimento liquido ficou no meu braco ate os 8 meses... Nao, nao foi facil... so parei de me sentir mal "vomitar" quando ela saiu de dentro de mim, literalmente....
Bom, tudo isso conto pra dizer pra voces que eu era bem magrinha quando ela nasceu... o problema foi que .. .fiquei tanto tempo sem comer, que quando ela nasceu... ai quis descontar ne? tambem imaginem.. 09 meses sem comer aquilo que a gente gosta eh de matar, nenao? Pois bem.. comi e ganhei muito peso.... aos poucos, bem aos poucos.. o peso foi diminuindo, mas ainda presente o suficiente pra me deixar bem infeliz....
Bom, tirei algumas fotos pra voces virem a saga do meu emagrecimento, depois me dizem o que voces acham ta? Ainda nao cheguei onde eu quero, mas to quase la....






In English:
I don't even need to tell you all how hard it is to loose weight - (we all know that very well).
I decided to make this post to give myself a little encouragement.
I've being always very skinny (my entire life), until after my pregnancy ...That's when I struggled the most with my body weight.
Before Izzy was born I was ok (For 5.1. 128 pounds was fine).. then I got this : Hipermesis Gravidarium , that awful condition some women get when they are pregnant... Lost lots of weight and had to have a pic line to help me eat and drink for 8 months.
After all, after the baby was born and the nightmare stopped, I was so hungry for life... and food - LOL. taht I gained a lot of weight as you all can see in the third picture where I had my hair very short - that was Izzy's baptism (8 months after she was born).
Few months later, I got a little better and my weight came down to 144 (picture where I am eating in a brazilian restaurant)...
I started a diet about a month ago (got a little extra help from a specific medicine) And now, my most recent picture (taken yesterday at the pool) shows 133 pounds.

I am: 133.

I still have 08 more to go, but ...I am feeling great about myself!

HUBBY PROMISSED ME A LAP TOP IF I GET TO 128 (but, I told him I can do better than that, and promissed him: 125).... What is life without an incentive????
love you hubby!

14 de jul. de 2008


A Pedidos ... aqui vai a historia da minha surpresa: - fotos em processo de organizacao*

Migas, pra quem nao sabe, o Dan (meu maridinho) eh super-ultra romantico, daqueles a moda antiga mesmo... do tipo que manda flores, escreve cartinhas.... velas.... porem, vou confessar que na mesmo proporcao, ele eh super "private", nao eh do tipo de gritar ao mundo seus sentimentos...nem do tipo de fazer isso todos os dias... Ninguem eh perfeito ne?
Bom, eu ja sou super diferente.. nao tenho quase nada na minha vida e historia que considero privado... Sou do tipo que divide tudo com os amigos e a familia... Conto meus problemas, divido as alegrias, peco conselhos.... grito ao mundo tudo que sinto....

Ta, to explicando um pouquinho, porque sei que nem todas as minhas amigas virtuais leitoras me conhecem na intimidade...

Segunda feira de manha quando cheguei em casa das ferias na praia, depois de colocar as coisas no lugar e cuidar da Izzy, eis que venho ansiosa ao computer pra checar emails e outras cositas mas...
Ao abrir o computer, me deparo com um documento aberto "uma carta"..

Ao comecar a le-la... ja comecei a chorar... Ele comecava dizendo que ele estava sentado pensando no quanto doia a saudade... dizia que a casa estava vazia e que nao era a mesma sem mim e nossa filhinha Isabella... dizia que quando ele se casou comigo, ele parecia saber muito bem o que nos uniu, mas que a cada dia que passa, novas razoes surgem e ele entende cada vez mais porque estamos juntos...
Disse que admira minha franqueza, minha sinceridade e que eh muito bom viver com uma pessoa transparente do tipo que voce nao precisa ficar "tentando imaginar" o que ela esta sentindo...ou o que sera que ela vai aprontar... risos!

Amigas, apesar do fato dele escrever muito bem e de escrever "often" essa carta tocou meu coracao... sei la.. talvez porque nao falou so sobre amor, falou de saudades, de reconhecimento, falou de perdao, falou do esforco colocado numa relacao a dois... enfim... foi uma carta regada de amor e ensopada de honestidade....

No sabado, quando eles estavam no Cottage, eu decidi ir as compras $$$$ afinal ainda nao tinha tido muito tempo... ele prometeu ficar com a Izzy pra que eu pudesse ter sossego e concentracao ne? - risos... ao sair do drive way, ele parou meu carro e carinhosamente disse:

"- Sweetie, so pra te lembrar, compra o que vc quiser viu??? nao deixa o juizo te impedir.. hoje quero te ver bem feliz... "....
Amigas.. nao precisa pedir 2 vezes ne!?.... (brincadeirinha)..

Fui numa Boutique chiquetezima e comprei uma saia branca (a saia dos meus sonhos)... toda rendada por fora, muito linda.. pra noite chiques de verao sabe???
$ 80 dolares, comprei um colar de agata verde (simplesmente amei), comprei tambem uma outra saia de verao branquinha com uns babados caidos na vertical, super graciosa.. "um verao + simples" - rsrs... comprei uma gargantilha num kioske que antiguidades (do ano de 1940) lindooooooo!!! nao sei nem em que situacao poderei usa-lo, mas amei e comprei assim mesmo....

Comprei uma bolsa de couro branca e marrom que achei o maximo... enfim, nao abusei nao.. mas fiquei satisfeita com tudo...
Os presentes me deixaram alegre, mas a carta tocou meu coracao profundamente.... as vezes a gente precisa de uma dessas pra revigorar o animo e estimular a jornada ne>?>
Espero que voces tenham gostado da surpresa... vou colocar fotos breve viu?
bjs no coracao,

In English:
Everybody was asking me about the surprise my husband made for me, after we came back from Cape, so, here we go...
For those who doesn't really know Dan, I want to say that he is a very romantic man. Yes, he is!
He is the kind of man who gives you flowers, write you beautiful notes and love candles...
Although, he is very private and he is not the type who likes the world to know his business, and he also, doesn't like to scream his feelings to anyone.

I am very different (the opposite), as my friends and family knows. I am very open, very clear, very transparent.. I tell my friends and family if I am upset, I share my joy and my problems with people I trust and very few things in my life I really consider private.
So, even thought Dan is all that, I still get really surprise when he writes me something special.

... When I came back from Cape that monday afternoon, I found a beautiful letter in the computer for me...
... He started saying how much he was missing me and our daughter... He said how "home" is very different and empty when we are not there - I don't even need to tell you that I started to cry in first paragraph... do I?
One of the special things he said, that really caught my attention was when he mentioned that, everyday, he finds in life, more and more reasons that shows him why life brought us together...
He also made a beautiful comparison between his father and Me, saying that he admire our honesty and the way we do tell people what we really think about things.

Well, many beautiful and powerful things were written in that letter, I was very happy and surprised by his opened heart and his words touched my heart deeply.
Saturday afternoon, before I left to shop a little bit, (on my own), he stopped my car and told me to get something that I really like and also told me to don't stop myself if I absolutely want something...
Thought was really nice for him to say that to me... I ended up buying few items I really loved it, like couple white skirts, couple necklaces and a pocket book...

* The gifts were really nice, but what really touched me, was the beautiful letter he wrote.
Sometimes is really good to receive a nice letter in order to make your journey more fun, interesting and loving...
By: Renata*

9 de jul. de 2008


Amigassss.... como foi bom essa semana! Vcs nem imaginam.... maridao ficou em casa a semana toda (sozinho), confesso que gostei.. em partes... Queria que ele sentisse falta de nos e ao mesmo tempo... apreciasse todo meu "hard work" as wife and mother...
Funcionou, diga-se de passagem... depois conto a voces a surpresa!
Bom, chegamos em Cape (segunda feira passada dia 30 de junho). O cottage da familia do meu marido ja existe ha + de 50 anos e meu marido cresceu praticamente indo pra la todos os finais de semana e ferias...
Meu lugar preferido: LONG POND, eh o lago mais lindo e gostoso que eu ja fui na vida e minha filhinha Isabella se esbaldou de tanto se divertir!
A Nina (tia-vo do Dan) foi uma hostess maravilhosa e nos divertimos muito, tive tempo pra ler meu livrinho, tempo pra minha filha, e ate tempo pra pensar na vida acreditam? Coisa que aqui em casa eh dificil.. to sempre fazendo alguma coisa ou envolvida em algum projeto!
Varios momentos especiais surgiram nesta viagem, mas um bem legal foi o fato da Isabella ter encontrado uma amiguinha no lago (nome da Amiguinha: Isabella) idade: quase a mesma da minha Isabella... as duas ate que se parecem um pouquinho e foi muito legal ter passado alguns momentos com ela e com a sua avo: Claire!
Quinta a feira a noite, maridinho chegou... 2 da madruga... nem pegou transito, ainda bem... e ai foi so alegria.. sexta: 4 de julho "INDEPENDENCIA DOS EUA" fomos assistir a um PARADE tipico da cidade e comemos Lobster Rool... ai que delicia!
Sabado fomos a um jogo de baseball em Orleans e foi suuuuper legal... Bom, voces sabem que o meu marido eh fanatico por Baseball 'GO RED SOX" e queria comprar o mundo quando chegou la... comprou camiseta pra ele, jaqueta, camiseta pra Izzy e ainda queria que eu embarcasse nessa... nananaoooo... a minha parte eu preferi em Din-din - risos.. pra gastar no Flea Market no domingo (depois mostro o que eu commprei gente... )
Sabado a noite... fomos nos DRIVE-IN cinema outdoor - maravilhoso.. Izzy se divertiu muito e o filme foi bem cute: WALLE... ja deve ta ai no Brasa, nao ta nao??? Eu indico! mas se vcs nao gostarem de filme parado... nem percam tempo... ele nao eh muito agitado nao...anyway, nos gostamos... e a Izzy amou!
Beijo no coracao!

In English:
The week in Cape was absolutely great! I liked the idea to leave hubby at home (not really-lol!), but it was nice to find out he missed us so much and really appreciated my hard work as mom and wife! ($$$)
Izzy and I had a magical time (not Disney but a magical place). I took her to the pond my husband grew up going to with his family, and it made me feel soo good seeing her having so much fun!
Nina was very nice and we had great time together!
Thursday night was the best night (hubby showed up for the weekend)... Got there about 2:00 am and as soon we woke up friday, after a great breakfast I prepared to everyone, we went to a little Parade for 4th of July in Wellfleet. It was really fun! took pictures and had lobster rool for lunch!
Friday night we went to a baseball game in Orleans and hubby had a great time! He was all excited and happy for being there. We talked so much about the time he used to go with his mother and brother and how much fun they used to have... Izzy got lots of souveniers, T-Shirt, a ball, a book, the entire time authografed her ball and she thought it was so funny collecting the authografs.
Dan got a jacket, t-shirt, book, movie... everything he could buy - It was very special seeing him so happy! He so deserves it!
Saturday the city was incredibly busy, no place to get a bit to eat, can you believe this? We ended up eating at Pj's (had clams, chicken , cheeseburguers..) saturday night : DRIVE-IN, movie: Walle...
How fun! Izzy loved it! we did like it very much and we couldn't be happier together!
Sunday we did my favorite thing: FLEA MARKET... I bought few things I loved.. (Yeah yeah yeah... ). It was a great time! $$$
Sunday the sun came out and we went to the pond as a family, even Nina came. Dan and Izzy had a blast in the water... I finally could seat down and get a really rest (and a tan)... We got pizza in the afternoon and Dan went home about 7:00pm.
It was a great time! Thank you Nina! thanks Hubby!


Migas, milhoes de coisas rolaram nestas ultimas semanas!!! ('as leitoras/clientes), desculpa nao ter respondido todos os emails do brecho, mas eh que fiquei busy mesmo... agora to respondendo um por um e tirando as medidas tambem...
Semana retrasada fomos no aniversario da Bermuda "filhinha de um amigo do maridex", gente, nao eh que eles tiveram uma ideia brilhante! Pois eh! O aniversario dela foi no Boston Common - um parque maravilhoso aqui no centro de Boston, eles chamaram uma mulher que fez teatrinho de puppets e o resto das coisas foram atracoes do proprio parque...
Amei! As criancas se divertiram muito, amaram o teatrinho ao ar livre, depois fomos todos andar de "Duck Ride" no lago e ainda teve parquinho e atracoes aquaticas...
E nao pensem que nao tinha o que comer nao... apesar de ficar andando de um lado pro outro, eles trouxeram snacks, bottles of water, um bolo lindo e gostoso, party favors, bexigas e tudo o que se tem direito... ah! ja ia me esquecendo.. ate sorvete eles trouxeram....
Eu diria que tinha aproximadamente 15 criancas e 25 a 30 adultos... Segue fotos!!!
Ah o nome Bermuda deu-se pelo fato dos papais dela terem se apaixonado em uma das viagens que eles fizeram, adivinha pra onde:

In English:
This was one of the best birthday's party I ever been to.
What a great idea!
Bermuda is the daughter of Dan's class mate and she just turned 3 years old few weeks ago.
They had the party at the Boston Common and we had a Blast!
Izzy had a blast, I should say - we did too!
First, all the kids were outside together watching a Puppets Show (so cute). After the show, we all went to the Duck Ride, the kids loved it and the adults had as much fun as the kids...
Izzy was fascinated and we took great pictures!
We went to the park and Izzy got a kick out of the water sprinkles...
They had cake, snacks, water, juice and even party favors for the kids... very well organized and fun!
There was about 15 childreen and maybe 25 adults... quite a party.. .very well done, loved it!
Ah just one more thing: BERMUDA... because her parents fell in love in one of the vacations they had in Bermuda, of course!!! How romantic!!!

*Too bad Izzy's birthday is in january (tooo cold ) to make a party outside...
Maybe I will decide to celebrate her birthday differently.. instead every year, what about:
Every year and a half????
Just kidding...

Written by: Renata Wilson*
Visitem meu Brecho-direto de Boston*