Ao contrario da minha amiga/mentora Dani: AMO NOVELA.
Vou confessar um negocio proces: Minha novela favorita foi: O CLONE - Gente, nao da nem pra explicar o fenomeno que aquela novela causou no meu pobre cerebrozinho...
Depois de assistir alguns capitulos, pus na cabeca que queria ser a JADE. Pois eh! com todas as honras e pompas! Comecei a passar lapis nos olhos com aquelas duas linhas (igualzinho a ela) e ate as roupas comecei a comprar no estilo dela.
... Mas nao foi assim tao de repente nao! Primeiro, assisti bem a novela, ai o negocio comecou a entrar no meu sangue e coincidentemente, quando ela se casou com o "Said" que ela se tornou rica e chique - ai ela matou ne? aquelas roupas maravilhosas que ela usava me deixaram completamente "out of my mind".
Queria porque queria me vestir do mesmo jeito e se possivel queria mudar de pais - marrocos era uma boa opcao na epoca! Affff...ate onde vai nossa loucura ?
Bom, vou contar o que rolou um dia:
Eu (com essa imaginacao que Alla me deu), me vesti o + proximo que consegui dela e nao contente com minha mudanca (quis tambem mudar os amigos) - dei um jeito de transforma-los em marroquinos pelo menos por uma noite...e assim foi...
Eu, o Cleryson e a Josi... da pra acreditar? Fomos ao Shopping vestidos de marroquinos, olha a foto ai pra voces verem que nao to mentindo...
Ai eu pergunto amigos: Sera que sou normal??
By: Renata *
In English:
Dear friends, this one is to kill - Now, everybody is going to make sure: Renata is really crazy or.. at least... not too normal... lolol!
I was reading Dani's blog (as usual) - my dear mentor and she was talking about how much she hates soap opera... I have to disagree with you on this one, my dear!!!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE SOAP OPERA -(brazilian, not american) - And I am not embarassed to assume this! Well, I don't know how this happened, but it did, and I am not going to lie about it!
Love them all - however, my favorite one, is and it will always be: The Clone*
Have no idea how that happened to me, but when I started to watch that show I absolutely fell in love with all the characters, including: JADE.
Her personality, her sense of fashion - her dance, her culture...
After she married Said, she became this unbelievably beautiful woman and her style captured my eyes and mind - really (it was like a cult or something). lol
Ok, here we go - One day, after watching so many episodes already, I put in my mind that I wanted to go out dressed just like her - and I didn't stop there - no no no...
... I had my friends dressed as well and there we go to the mall.... lolol!
Loved the experience - loved to hide my hair in one of those fancy scarfs and had my make up done with those two lines Jade used to have.
To prove what I am saying, photo above, and now I ask you all:
Am I normal? oh, let's assume... everybody is a little crazy at some point, am I right?
By: Renata*
Vou confessar um negocio proces: Minha novela favorita foi: O CLONE - Gente, nao da nem pra explicar o fenomeno que aquela novela causou no meu pobre cerebrozinho...
Depois de assistir alguns capitulos, pus na cabeca que queria ser a JADE. Pois eh! com todas as honras e pompas! Comecei a passar lapis nos olhos com aquelas duas linhas (igualzinho a ela) e ate as roupas comecei a comprar no estilo dela.
... Mas nao foi assim tao de repente nao! Primeiro, assisti bem a novela, ai o negocio comecou a entrar no meu sangue e coincidentemente, quando ela se casou com o "Said" que ela se tornou rica e chique - ai ela matou ne? aquelas roupas maravilhosas que ela usava me deixaram completamente "out of my mind".
Queria porque queria me vestir do mesmo jeito e se possivel queria mudar de pais - marrocos era uma boa opcao na epoca! Affff...ate onde vai nossa loucura ?
Bom, vou contar o que rolou um dia:
Eu (com essa imaginacao que Alla me deu), me vesti o + proximo que consegui dela e nao contente com minha mudanca (quis tambem mudar os amigos) - dei um jeito de transforma-los em marroquinos pelo menos por uma noite...e assim foi...
Eu, o Cleryson e a Josi... da pra acreditar? Fomos ao Shopping vestidos de marroquinos, olha a foto ai pra voces verem que nao to mentindo...
Ai eu pergunto amigos: Sera que sou normal??
By: Renata *
In English:
Dear friends, this one is to kill - Now, everybody is going to make sure: Renata is really crazy or.. at least... not too normal... lolol!
I was reading Dani's blog (as usual) - my dear mentor and she was talking about how much she hates soap opera... I have to disagree with you on this one, my dear!!!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE SOAP OPERA -(brazilian, not american) - And I am not embarassed to assume this! Well, I don't know how this happened, but it did, and I am not going to lie about it!
Love them all - however, my favorite one, is and it will always be: The Clone*
Have no idea how that happened to me, but when I started to watch that show I absolutely fell in love with all the characters, including: JADE.
Her personality, her sense of fashion - her dance, her culture...
After she married Said, she became this unbelievably beautiful woman and her style captured my eyes and mind - really (it was like a cult or something). lol
Ok, here we go - One day, after watching so many episodes already, I put in my mind that I wanted to go out dressed just like her - and I didn't stop there - no no no...
... I had my friends dressed as well and there we go to the mall.... lolol!
Loved the experience - loved to hide my hair in one of those fancy scarfs and had my make up done with those two lines Jade used to have.
To prove what I am saying, photo above, and now I ask you all:
Am I normal? oh, let's assume... everybody is a little crazy at some point, am I right?
By: Renata*
2 comentários:
Ficaram o maximo vestidas de " Jade"
ficou muito legal a performance.
amei !!!!!
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