Este final de semana foi massa!
Meus cunhados vieram de KY pra Boston para passarem 5 dias. Nao deu pra fazer muito, mas aproveitamos o pouco que deu.
Sexta a noite mamma levou Izzy pra dormir la e Dan e eu saimos pra jantarmos com o David, Kristen e um cliente dele (Francisco - que figurinha!!!) num restaurante perto do Fenway Park. O jantar tava maravilhoso e me concedeu a oportunidade de conhecer melhor minha cunhada.
Deixa eu explicar:
David, meu cunhado (irmao do maridex) ja foi casado antes e separou-se depois de 4,5 anos de casamento. A familia vibrou quando soube da noticia! Ninguem gostava da Jararaca e apesar do sofrimento inicial, tudo mudou depois que ele conheceu a Kristen.
Loirinha aguada, bem estilo americana, ela eh doce, engracada e inteligente. Eles se conheceram num consultorio medico (ela eh fisioterapeuta) e meu cunhado, obviamente, era o paciente - rsrs...
Apos 1 ano, ele propos casamento (nesse interim se divorciou), e o casamento se deu em Marco de 2008.
(Nao fui porque Izzy da muito trabalho no aviao) mas me arrependi ate os ultimos.
Segundo meu marido, foi maravilhoso e as fotos e a filmagem nao os deixam mentir... servem de consolo ne? fazer o que? ja passou!
Anyway, Apesar de morarmos longe e nao termos muitas oportunidades de sairmos juntos e trocarmos ideias, adoro minha cunhada, ainda + depois deste findi.
Apos o jantar, fomos ao jogo de baseball (of course) e nos divertimos muiiiitooo !!!
This weekend was really great!
My brother-in-law and his wife Kristen came to Boston for a quick visit.
Even though it wasn't for a long time, we still had time to hang out and still we had a blast!
Friday night David and his vendor (Francisco), took us for a great dinner and Red Sox game right after.
The place was perfect, the food great and we laughed so hard with the stories Francisco and David were telling us. These two could make a movie about their professional lives...
Anyway, Kristen and I had a little time to catch up before the boys arrived and I was so happy to get to know her a little better. It makes hard when you live so far away.
As most of my friends know, David was married before and broke up after few years. The beginning was difficult as we all can expect and a little surprising, but, everything changed for the best when he met KRISTEN*
She is one of those women you really admire! Her simple way-to-be , her intelligence and sense of humor make her very special and adorable!. It is almost the feeling you CAN'T help NOT TO LOVE HER!
The family is very pleased with his choice and seeing David happy is such a joy for all of us! Since he is so loved and precious for all of us!
Kristen is a physical therapist and they met (I believe in 2004 or 2005) through her work. He was her patient (how cute and romantic is that?)...
The wedding was in March of this year and I regret enormously for not having attended it.
At the time, with Izzy so little, thought it wouldn't be a good idea to fly and have a wedding to go to on top of it...
My husband and my in-laws, flew to KY and had an amazing time.. The pictures are beautiful and the 1st dance was my favorite thing, second to the movie they played showing pictures of them and the family, since childhood...
Well, we are really looking forward to the next time (Thanksgiving) and hoping for more time to hang out!!!
Um comentário:
That was a lovely post. Thank you so much for sharing. We had a great time as well. We can't wait for the holidays to play with you guys again.
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