Ela ta que nao se aguenta... de tanta felicidade com sua bike. Do capacete nao quer nem noticia, mas a bike... adorou!!!
Daddy comprou a bike na semana passada e foi a maior festa, mas ai no final da semana, resolvemos que iriamos trocar por uma maior, porque o verao ja esta acabando e ela so tem mais um tempinho pra curtir... ai so no ano que vem.. entao achamos que seria uma boa ideia comprar o tamanho maior (pra 4 e 5 anos).
Engracado que depois que demos a bike pra ela, eu comecei a me lembrar de quando eu ganhei a minha... Eu devia ter uns 5 anos e eu estava tao feliz que nao me cabia em mim.
Minha bike era verdinha, da CALOI, que todo mundo lembra ne???
Lembram dos bilhetinhos que colocavamos em todos os lugares da casa e nos bolsos dos nossos pais:
"Pai, nao esqueca minha CALOI"... Eu eh que nunca vou me esquecer daqueles momentos...
In English:
Izzy is soooo happy with her new bike! Dan bought her a bike last week, but then we exchanged it for a bigger one because we are almost over with summer and figured she won't have too much time to enjoy it!
She is having so much fun! the bike she was supposed to have was a 12", but she is so tall that the 16" looks just fine.
She doesn't care too much about the HELMET, that figures, but we are insisting that she uses it every time she goes for a ride.
It's funny, the moment she got her bike, made me think of the time I got my own. I think I was about 5 years old. It was a green bike and the brand name: CALOI.
Izzy's bike brought me a lot of memories - it was a such special time!
Um comentário:
Thank you for making her wear the helmet. Kristen's sister fell off the exact same type of bike when she was younger and the helmet was one of the only things that saved her. I'm happy to see you do that. We went hiking this last weekend and came home to a tree on our house! Arghh! Nice job posting video!! Talk to you soon.
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