Gente... to aki super cansada do dia
Primeiro que esta semana ta sendo uma loucuraaaaa... Comecei trabalho novo segunda feira. Sao 3 dias na semana (segunda, quarta e quinta) das 11:30 as 5:30 (na realidade sao 3 tardes).. e eu to amando... Apesar de amar a vidinha de "Amelia Chique", mae, esposa, agente financeira da familia...consumidora, shoppaholic nas horas vagas... enfim... Nao vou reclamar, porque amo cuidar da minha filha e do meu cantinho.. mas, nada como trabalhar fora ne? sair na rua... ver gente, conversar com outras pessoas... ter seu proprio dinheirinho... enfim.. da outra direcao na tua vida - ate nossos assuntos ficam + interessantes quando se trabalha fora.
... Tava preocupada com o lance da Izzy ficar roncando pra dormir... eu achava que ronco era coisa normal, marido ronca as vezes, mae, tio, tia.. achei normal a Izzy roncar assim...
... tava enganada... Depois de uns 3 toques de pessoas diferentes sobre a maneira que ela dorme, eu fui consultar o pediatra hoje.. e pra minha surpresa... as amidalas da bichinha sao enormes... e eh por isso que ela tem um pouco de dificuldade na hora de dormir..Bom, nao eh caso serio, mas ja marquei consulta no otorrinolaringologista pra quinta de manha.. ele vai nos dizer se precisamos remove-las ou nao... Deus queira que nao... ouvi dizer que a recuperacao eh dolorida e a cirurgia bem sangrenta...
Volto no blog pra contar pra voces o diagnostico do especialista na quinta !
In English:
This week my life is crazyyy.... My new job started monday. I am very happy with it. Can't complain So far, so good. Have to confess...
I do love to be at home with my daughter, having the greatest blessing to be able to raise her, seeing every little step of her development . ..being a mom, wife, take care of our place, Dan, the baby, the money... it's just amazing... makes me feel really good and important to my family, there's a part of me that scream for new adventures...It is nice to be able to work as well, see the world, talk to different people...and still be able to stay with Izzy and make money... is just a real gift. So, I am especially happy this week with my acchievment.
Changing the subject a little bit, we had an app with Izzy's doctor today to check her breathing problem. She snores very much at night and we didn't think much of it, 'til few different people got our attention and told us that could be some kind of problem.
Dr Yuan, told me today that she has a very big tonsilles and she should see the ENT Dr for a more accurate diagnostic.
I already made an app with ENT for this thursday and let's wait and see what he has to say about Izzy's tonsilles. She might have to remove them or watch for a while. Anyway, I am very happy we finally found out what was causing all the noise in her sleep and I am very happy and confident that she will be just fine.
I will come back thursday to let you guys know what happened.
4 comentários:
To torcendo para esse trabalho dar tudo certo! Beijo amiga! Olha vai ter paciencia assim la na P@#$%^ que pariu viu... mas acho que no final e muito legal ler a respeito de vcs! Seu blog ta o maximo!
Rê amiga, lindo o seu blog . Tô passando aqui para te desejar sorte com o novo trabalho e dizer que também estou torcendo pela Izzy ! Linda a foto. Um beijão para as duas.
That's good you found out and congrats on the new job!
You are an incredible wife, mother, daughter and friend. You are an exceptional woman period and we are all lucky to have you in our lives. I love you very much sweetie, keep up the good work with the blog it is so cool. Just don't put any embarrassing things about me,(lol)
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