30 de set. de 2008

By: Clarice Lispector

Há momentos na vida em que sentimos tanto a falta de alguém que o que mais queremos é tirar esta pessoa de nossos sonhos e abraçá-la.
Sonhe com aquilo que você quiser.
Seja o que você quer ser, porque você possui apenas uma vida e nela só se tem uma chance de fazer aquilo que se quer.
Tenha felicidade bastante para fazê-la doce.
Dificuldades para fazê-la forte.
Tristeza para fazê-la humana.
E esperança suficiente para fazê-la feliz.
As pessoas mais felizes não têm as melhores coisas, elas sabem fazer o melhor das oportunidades que aparecem em seus caminhos.
A felicidade aparece para aqueles que choram, para aqueles que se machucam, para aqueles que buscam e tentam sempre.

E para aqueles que reconhecem a importância das pessoas que passam por suas vidas.
O futuro mais brilhante é baseado num passado intensamente vivido.
Você só terá sucesso na vida quando perdoar os erros e as decepções do passado.
A vida é curta, mas as emoções que podemos deixar duram uma eternidade.
A vida não é de se brincar porque um belo dia se morre.


...To super disapointed comigo mesma.
Parece uma coisa, quando comeco receber um montao de elogios, parece que algo no cerebro disperta e diz: VAI! COME TUDO O QUE TEM DIREITO!
Esse final de semana comi besteira bagarai e como diz minha amiga Dani "deve ser resquicios de uma mente gorda"... Chocolate entao nem se fala... Comi tudo o que tinha direito e ate o que nao tinha ...
... como o ditado mesmo diz...
"A mente nao pensa.. .o corpo padece..." e se padece... Nao preciso nem me pesar, ja sinto os malditos kilinhos acampando no meu corpinho "quase magro"...
Yeka de findi!
Hoje fui no mercado comprar umas coisinhas que a Isabella estava precisando e eis que me deparo com um pacote de 100 snacks, fala pra mim? precisava ter comprado um pacote com 100 chocolates sortidos? Nao tem nem desculpa.. comprei porque quis e ja comi 3 ate o momento...
Ai que raiva...

En English: Self Control: 0*
I am soooo disapointed with myself this weekend.
I ate everything I could and could not.
It seems like when everything look great, you feel like you should go ahead and make stupid mistakes...
I ate horrible things, including, chocolat ice crem, chocolate bars, junk food and pasta...
What a sin! I don't even need to weight myself, I can feel the mother fricking pounds camping right on my lovely, dear, skinny body...

28 de set. de 2008


Amigas, olha que ja fui em muitos casamentos na minha vida, mas, essa recepcao foi uma das mais elegantes que eu ja fui.
O lugar dos sonhos de qualquer noiva... De frente pro mar...Literalmente na agua...
Que pena que que o clima e a chuvinha chata nao permitiram que a cerimonia fosse do lado de fora, mas nao fez a menor diferenca... foi lindo!!!
Sheila eh tia do meu marido (parece + prima do que tia ne?). Pois eh!, esse eh o segundo casamento dela e segundo do Lee tambem...
Eles se conhecem ha muitos anos e ha 4 anos atras (no meu casamento) eles ja estavam juntos...
... Foi muito legal e estamos super felizes por eles!!!

In English:
This was one of the most elegant wedding that I have been in my entire life.
Sheila and Lee were just so beautiful and the place was absolutely gorgeous!
Even with the raining weather, nothing changed the beauty of the moment. Wonderful food, open bar, great music and an a "dreamy place to be"...
Congratulations to the both of you! We were so happy to be part of it!


24 de set. de 2008


In English:
Just couple of pictures to show off my "new body"... I didn't get there yet, but I am :

23 de set. de 2008



... Nao eh novidade pra ninguem que eu amo ficar em casa, cuidando da minha filhinha, das nossas coisas, das financas... tendo tempo pra ir ao shopping, medicos e afins, mas nada como um "part time job", pra dar um animo nao eh verdade?
Pois eh!
Meu trabalho novo consiste em dar apoio "after school" pra dois irmaos, um chamado Jeffrey: 7 anos, e o outro: Ben: 4 anos.
Sao somente 3 tardes e que diferenca faz na nossa cabeca ne? So o fato de eu pegar meu carro, ir busca-los e passar a tarde com eles fazendo coisas interessantes ja da um outro ritmo pra minha vida. To adorando tudo!
As criancas sao super bem comportadas e o mais velho eh meu xodo... 7 anos, porem, super inteligente, gracioso e super interessante.
Engracado que eu nunca pensei que fosse achar tao interessante um dialogo com uma crianca de 7 anos!
Tava super enganada... Conversamos sobre diversos assuntos e fiquei boba com o quanto as criancas de hoje em dia sao + expressivas e mais abertas que as criancas do passado...
Jeff ja esta aprendendo portugues e eh super legal ver tanto interesse em aprender uma outra lingua, em uma crianca de apenas 7 anos.


... Even though, I absolutely love the life I have and all the activities I get myself involved in, it's very nice having the opportunity to get out of the house and do something different.
Specially when you are able to continue to do the things you used to.
Having Jeffrey (7y.o.) and Ben (4y.o) for 3 afternoons/week make my life realllllyyy interesting.
They are very well behaved kids and it is very nice to spend some time with them and help them in whatever I can.
I never really thought of how interesting can be a dialogue with older kids. It's so funny, but I am literally having a blast.
Ben is absolutely cute and Jeff is just so adorable, well behaved, smart and we can talk about so many things.
His passion for football is one of his favorite things to talk about. Also the passion for airplaines for war and things related to it make our afternoons pass by really flying...
... I really look forward to see them next work day and this is a wonderful feeling...
* I am really happy Jeff is learning portuguese with no problem. He is interested in learn and he is enjoying it witch makes me very happy!!!!

20 de set. de 2008


Calma mulherada, nao trai o maridex nao!!! Nem poderia meu Jesus!
Olha so, comprei um vestido tipo tubinho, preto de cetim com um babado na vertical que comeca do busto, ate o joelho (o vestido eh tomara que caia). Lindo! Tamanho: 8(40), porque vou num casamento na prox semana (FOTO ACIMA)*
Cheguei em casa, experimentei + de 10 vezes, peco opiniao pro marido e ele diz:
- " Ah, ta lindo"! (se eu tapo os olhos do engracadinho, e pergunto que cor eh o vestido, aposto que ele nem vai lembrar). risos..
Anyway, depois de alguns dias, pensando se fico com o vestido ou nao, resolvi voltar na loja e ver se havia outra opcao de cor...porque cheguei a conclusao que a maioria dos meus vestidos de festa sao pretos.
... Foi ai que conheci o OUTRO homem que me fez + que feliz!!!
O vendedor da loja (Steve) alto, louro e 100% gay!
Amigas, ele me mostrou o mesmo vestido num tom quase vinho (ai na foto acima) e outro: verde esmeralda com um toque de azul... lindo e em um tamanho menor "6" (38 no Brasil), porque era o ultimo.
Fui no fitting room ja meio desconsolada, porque pensei logo que nao ia servir, tive que pedir ajuda ao tal Steve pra fechar o ziper atras, mas valeuuuu a pena amigas!!! ficou absolutamente deslumbrante!!!! Eu amei, ele amou e juntos fomos felizes por aproximadamente 5 minutos - risos!!!
Cheguei em casa feliz da vida com o novo vestido, e na hora de fazer a troca entao foi melhor ainda, a cor pela qual eu troquei, entrou na promocao e conclusao:
O dia de sorte!!! queria que todo dia de shopping fosse assim nenao?

In English:

No! I didn't cheat on my hubby! It would not being even a possibility!
But I did meet another man who really made me happy today - LOL
I went to EXPRESS last week to buy a dress for a wedding I have to go in the next few days.
I picked up the one above in the picture, in the color: black and size 8.
Well well well, when I got home I tried maybe 10 times trying to decide if it is worth it to keep one more black dress" since I have probably about 6.
Finally I went to Express again to try to exchange... that's when I met Steve "my favorite man in the world" right now - lolololol.
Steve, suggested that I should try the emerald color, size 6, witch I thought wouldn't work out, but guess what?
I absolutely LOVED ITTTT!!!! It is sooo beautiful! The color is stunning and the best of all:
I realized I am : SIZE 5,6 - Not 8 anymore... YEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Thank you so much Steeeve... You are the Man!
... Well, not so much ... lololol!


Baseado num conto de fadas Chines, Mulan eh uma garota encantadora, com um espirito livre e que tenta ao maximo agradar aos seus pais, mas sente que sempre os disaponta de alguma maneira. Assim que seu pai eh escalado para lutar em uma guerra e colocar assim sua vida em risco, devido a saude abalada que tem, Mulan decide se passar por homem e lutar em lugar do pai. Protegida por um dragaozinho guardiao "do tipo anjo da guarda" chamado Mushu, Mulan vai pra guerra e milhoes de coisas acontecem nesse interim.
Ate que no auge do seu sucesso, seu segredo eh revelado....
Apesar de ser um sucesso Walt Disney e nos termos comprado esse filme pra Izzy, nao resisti a tentacao de fazer um post a respeito. EH SIMPLESMENTE maravilhoso!

In English:
Based on a Chinese folk-tale, Mulan is a young high-spirited girl who tries hard to please her parents but always feels like she is disappointing them. Her father is drafted into the army which amounts to certain death because of his old age. Mulan disguises herself as a man and takes her father's place in battle, guided by a guardian dragon, Mushu. At the height of her success her secret is revealed...
It was a gift to Izzy (who absolutely loved it!), but, I guess it is definetely an adult story and it is a very touching movie! I loved it myself!

19 de set. de 2008


A Inveja eh um sentimento terrivel. Porem, as vezes, poder ate ser positiva quando empurra a pessoa a fazer algo em seu proprio beneficio.
Nao podemos controla-la e nem devemos deixa-la nos impedir de continuarmos fazendo aquilo que gostamos e que nos faz sentir bem.
A inveja esta presente no coracao de muitas pessoas, as vezes ate naquelas bem pertinho de nos, como nossos melhores amigos e familiares.

So existe uma maneira de combater este sentimento destrutivo: PENSAMENTO POSITIVO & MUITA FE NA PROVIDENCIA DIVINA*.
Temos que tomar cuidado com a linha fina que separa a INVEJA da ADMIRACAO.
INVEJA eh querer ter aquilo que pertence a outra pessoa (na mesma cor, mesmo modelo, mesma marca).
Usar o mesmo shampoo ou se inspirar numa ideia, nao eh inveja e sim admiracao.

Eh preciso um pouco mais de humildade e capacidade de entender que o mundo nao gira em torno de sua propria vida. Que o fato de uma pessoa gostar de voce ao ponto de se inspirar em suas ideias e atitudes, nao te da o direito de exarcebar seus dotes e nem de humilhar quem voce cativou por livre e espontanea vontade.
Claro que existem os maus intencionados. Aqueles que agem por pura maldade e avacalham sua vida com o unico intuito de te ver infeliz e arruinado.
A estes, devemos nossa maior oracao, e eh a nossa unica maneira de nos proteger e ajudar aquele que se encontra no abismo desse sentimento terrivel!

In English:
Lately I was talking to my friends about Jealousy. What an awful feeling. The only positive aspect of jealousy is the fact that it can push you to do something good about your life or yourself.
We can't control jealousy and we should not stop to do things we love to do, because of it. It is necessary that we have a lot of positive attitude and faith towards people who have that feeling. Unfortunately, it is always around us. It might even be present in the hearts of our best friends and our family.
We have to be careful in order to distinguish the fine line between JEALOUSY AND ADMIRATION.
JEALOUSY is the feeling to have what belongs to others. (same color, same brand, same model).
To use the same lipstick or to get inspired by someone is not Jealousy, it is ADMIRATION!
People need a little simplicity and less arrogance to understand that the world doesn't go around your belly button. There are way more things in life. The reason that someone wants to have the same "kind of shampoo" you have and get inspiration through your words or attitudes, doesn't give you the right to over size your skills and humiliate other people who like, follow and get inspired by you.
I am not saying that there are not people who do bad things purposely. There are! I am just saying that we have to be careful about identifying these people and making sure we are not making a mistake.
To those people though, our best way to protect ourselves is to pray for them, because, no one is in a worse situation than they are...

16 de set. de 2008


Findi foi ok. Sabado, maridex foi pescar com Roger-Man nao trouxeram um peixinho sequer pra contar a historia (hihihi), e se divertiram muito. Maridex nao se importa, o que ele realmente gosta eh da pescaria em si... o peixe eh o de menos.
Aproveitei pra colocar minha "lere-lere" pra trabalhar e limpei a casa inteira (de cabo a rabo).
2:30 da tarde, auntie veio em casa pra uma make-up by: Renata Wilson e foi feliz da vida embora com um rostinho impecavel e um vestido maravilhoso que eu emprestei.
O cabelo salt & pepper tambem ficou legal com muito gel e esforco da minha parte (hihihi)..
Sinceralmente: ela ficou linda!!! a mulher tem 63 anos e um corpo de 18 - de dar inveja viu? 5 filhos, 10 netos e um bisneto, acreditam? 63 ANOS!!!!

Anyway, 3:40 cheguei na Mita-marmita pra mais um lere-lere de limpar geladeira, fazer comindinha, deserta... uma noite descontraida.
Fiz um meatloaf bem gostosinho e um arroz basico, pra dessert: ice cream with glazed chunck of pineapple. As meninas se divertiram enquanto Mita fazia meu cabelo e colocavamos a fofoca em dia.
SUNDAY amanheceu cinzento e chuvoso, maridex nos levou pra tomar cafe-da-manha no CHEESE CAKE FACTORY e depois fomos fazer umas comprinhas na Loja da Disney e depois umas pra mim tambem... Sou filha de Deus ne gente??? Mereco umas coisinhas novas!!!
Levamos a Izzy num parquinho interno la em wobourn . Foi bem legal, ela se divertiuuu muito!!!
Depois, so um shopping pra fazer um domingo cinzento valer a pena, nenao?
A noite, exausta da semana e findisemana, maridex tem a coragem de me pedir pra fazer um sandwich e uma pastinha... Ah ta de brincadeira ne?! Depois de resmungar um pouco, de terminar o trabalho da empresa, foi todo puto da vida, feliz da vida, comprar meu lanchinho preferido: STEAK & MUSHROOMS WITH MAYO AND PEPPER e ainda voltou com uma Garrafa de Bayles..meu drink favorito... com gelinho entao.. ai.que delicia!!! Brigada amor!!!

My weekend was sooo busy... but fun! Saturday hubby and Roger-man went fishing didn't get any fish-lol, they had a great time and just being outside and fishing is what Dan really likes about going fishing.
I had an incredible day, first, helped Auntie with her make up and hair for Kim's wedding. She left this house absolutely stunning! The make up was great, her hair was beautiful and I could not believe how sexy and pretty she looked in a long black dress. She has the perfect body for it and I was happy to help her out.
After 3:30 Izzy and I went to Telmita's house for some more hard work like cleaning the fridge, making dinner, dessert...a great time as well. Mita did my hair and Izzy and Juju hung out for a long time.

Sunday was raining and Hubby took us for Breakfast at CheeseCake Factory and my favorite thing to do: shopping spend time with my family...
Izzy got a few things at the Disney Store and I got some nice outfits for my new body - lololol...
After shopping, we all went to an indoor playground in Woburn and Izzy had so much fun! We watched her playing the whole time and caught up on our conversations of stories from the week. It was a real good time.... until hubby (after coming come) ask me for Pork sandwich with cheese and Noodles...

RENATA: "-Are you kidding me"???
very pissed of nicely I just said:
"- Honey, I really don't feel like cooking" ...
DANIEL: He is sooo sweet, and said:
"No problem, I told you I could have got something. I'll go get few things...

And came back home with food and my favorite Drink:
Baileys, that he needed to go to 3 different stores to find it because the liquor stores were all closed!!!!...
What a cutie pie my hubby is!!! THANK YOU!!!!

14 de set. de 2008


Que a força do medo que tenho não me impeça de ver o que anseio.
Que a morte de tudo que acredito não me tape os ouvidos e a boca.
Porque metade de mim é o que eu grito, mas a outra metade é silêncio.
Que a música que eu ouço ao longe seja linda, ainda que triste.
Que as palavras que eu falo não sejam ouvidas como prece nem repetidas com fervor, apenas respeitadas como a única coisa que resta a um homem inundado de sentimento.
Porque metade de mim é o que eu ouço, mas a outra metade é o que calo.
Que essa minha vontade de ir embora se transforme na calma e na paz que eu mereço, que essa tensão que me corroe por dentro seja um dia recompensada.
Porque metade de mim é o que eu penso e a outra metade é um vulcão.
Que o medo da solidão se afaste, que o convívio comigo mesmo se torne ao menos suportável.
Que o espelho reflita em meu rosto o doce sorriso que eu me lembro de ter dado na infância.
Porque metade de mim é a lembrança do que fui, a outra metade eu não sei.
Que não seja preciso mais do que uma simples alegria para me fazer aquietar o espírito.
E que o teu silêncio me fale cada vez mais.
Porque metade de mim é abrigo, mas a outra metade é cansaço.
Que a arte nos aponte uma resposta, mesmo que ela não saiba, e que ninguém a tente complicar porque é preciso simplicidade para fazê-la florescer.
Porque metade de mim é a platéia e a outra metade, a canção.
E que minha loucura seja perdoada.
Porque metade de mim é amor e a outra metade...

( Osvaldo Montenegro)

13 de set. de 2008



Ela ta que nao se aguenta... de tanta felicidade com sua bike. Do capacete nao quer nem noticia, mas a bike... adorou!!!
Daddy comprou a bike na semana passada e foi a maior festa, mas ai no final da semana, resolvemos que iriamos trocar por uma maior, porque o verao ja esta acabando e ela so tem mais um tempinho pra curtir... ai so no ano que vem.. entao achamos que seria uma boa ideia comprar o tamanho maior (pra 4 e 5 anos).
Engracado que depois que demos a bike pra ela, eu comecei a me lembrar de quando eu ganhei a minha... Eu devia ter uns 5 anos e eu estava tao feliz que nao me cabia em mim.
Minha bike era verdinha, da CALOI, que todo mundo lembra ne???
Lembram dos bilhetinhos que colocavamos em todos os lugares da casa e nos bolsos dos nossos pais:
"Pai, nao esqueca minha CALOI"... Eu eh que nunca vou me esquecer daqueles momentos...

In English:
Izzy is soooo happy with her new bike! Dan bought her a bike last week, but then we exchanged it for a bigger one because we are almost over with summer and figured she won't have too much time to enjoy it!
She is having so much fun! the bike she was supposed to have was a 12", but she is so tall that the 16" looks just fine.
She doesn't care too much about the HELMET, that figures, but we are insisting that she uses it every time she goes for a ride.
It's funny, the moment she got her bike, made me think of the time I got my own. I think I was about 5 years old. It was a green bike and the brand name: CALOI.
Izzy's bike brought me a lot of memories - it was a such special time!

11 de set. de 2008


Basicamente, querem mandar minha filhinha pra cirurgia.
Nao to nada contente com isso. As amigdalas sao enormes e obstruem a passagem do ar, portanto quando ela dorme, o sono eh desconfortavel e dai o ronco alto e desesperado.
Chorei hoje no consultorio quando o medico me disse que ela vai ter que operar. Apesar de compreender o motivo e saber que eh uma cirurgia rotineira, eu nao gostei do dito cujo. Senti que ele estava me empurrando a operacao, me deu uma papelada pra assinar e mal me explicou sobre a cirurgia, ja foi deixando a sala...
... Nao assinei nada, disse que precisava conversar com meu marido e depois decidiria.

In English:
I am very frustrated about Izzy's condition. I feel awful for hadn't noticed the problem before.
Anyway, she has HUGE TONSELLS and the doctors really believe she needs SURGERY. They are big enough to make her sleep extremelly uncomfortable. That's why she snores so much.
Personally I didn't like this doctor. I had to insist for him to check the tape I had made of her sleeping.

Jesus Christ, we are talking about my daughter, not a squirrel!!!!

Before we decide about something so serious, we need to feel confident that the doctors really know what is going on with our child. He checked her mouth for literally 3 seconds and came with 10 pages of paper work for me to sign. I was very confused and devastated.
Told him I couldn't sign anything without talking to my husband, but, still he didn't let me leave the office without booking the surgery.
Well, when I called Dan, he told me that he wants to take her for a Second Opinion and we will go from there.

9 de set. de 2008


Gente... to aki super cansada do dia de cao, com uma chuva chata bagarai corrido, mas se nao empurro pra fazer o post, nao sai ne?
Primeiro que esta semana ta sendo uma loucuraaaaa... Comecei trabalho novo segunda feira. Sao 3 dias na semana (segunda, quarta e quinta) das 11:30 as 5:30 (na realidade sao 3 tardes).. e eu to amando... Apesar de amar a vidinha de "Amelia Chique", mae, esposa, agente financeira da familia...consumidora, shoppaholic nas horas vagas... enfim... Nao vou reclamar, porque amo cuidar da minha filha e do meu cantinho.. mas, nada como trabalhar fora ne? sair na rua... ver gente, conversar com outras pessoas... ter seu proprio dinheirinho... enfim.. da outra direcao na tua vida - ate nossos assuntos ficam + interessantes quando se trabalha fora.

... Tava preocupada com o lance da Izzy ficar roncando pra dormir... eu achava que ronco era coisa normal, marido ronca as vezes, mae, tio, tia.. achei normal a Izzy roncar assim...
... tava enganada... Depois de uns 3 toques de pessoas diferentes sobre a maneira que ela dorme, eu fui consultar o pediatra hoje.. e pra minha surpresa... as amidalas da bichinha sao enormes... e eh por isso que ela tem um pouco de dificuldade na hora de dormir..Bom, nao eh caso serio, mas ja marquei consulta no otorrinolaringologista pra quinta de manha.. ele vai nos dizer se precisamos remove-las ou nao... Deus queira que nao... ouvi dizer que a recuperacao eh dolorida e a cirurgia bem sangrenta...
Volto no blog pra contar pra voces o diagnostico do especialista na quinta !

In English:
This week my life is crazyyy.... My new job started monday. I am very happy with it. Can't complain So far, so good. Have to confess...
I do love to be at home with my daughter, having the greatest blessing to be able to raise her, seeing every little step of her development . ..being a mom, wife, take care of our place, Dan, the baby, the money... it's just amazing... makes me feel really good and important to my family, there's a part of me that scream for new adventures...It is nice to be able to work as well, see the world, talk to different people...and still be able to stay with Izzy and make money... is just a real gift. So, I am especially happy this week with my acchievment.

Changing the subject a little bit, we had an app with Izzy's doctor today to check her breathing problem. She snores very much at night and we didn't think much of it, 'til few different people got our attention and told us that could be some kind of problem.
Dr Yuan, told me today that she has a very big tonsilles and she should see the ENT Dr for a more accurate diagnostic.
I already made an app with ENT for this thursday and let's wait and see what he has to say about Izzy's tonsilles. She might have to remove them or watch for a while. Anyway, I am very happy we finally found out what was causing all the noise in her sleep and I am very happy and confident that she will be just fine.
I will come back thursday to let you guys know what happened.


- Call Dr Loweinstein for Dan's contacts lenses
- Send package to SP
- Call Dr. Yuan for Izzy's appointment.
- Find out about Disney papers
- Call Tata
- Laundry
- Call my mom and give Nene's phone number
- Play with Izzy and her new bike

5 de set. de 2008


Amigas, ha tempos que eu queria escrever sobre esse assunto. MODA/FASHION.
Nao sou uma expert no assunto, mas gosto do meu jeito de combinar as pecas e tento me inteirar daquilo que eh legal, que esta na moda e os NO, NOs, da vida da Moda.

Bom o assunto... FASHION...
Sabe quando a gente recebe aquele convite e fica na duvida de que roupa vai colocar? Pois eh! Eh sobre isso que vamos falar.. Minha sogra vive me ligando pra pedir sugestoes e conselhinhos basicos (me acho ne?). Ela me considera expert no assunto (ai ai ai.. mal sabe ela...) anyway, eu tento ne? Vamos la...

GUIA do que SE PODE e NAO SE PODE fazer*

Se a Ocasiao for um
CASAMENTO: Etiqueta Velha diz que nao se usa BRANCO, PRETO OU VERMELHO. Nova estiqueta diz que vermelho e preto sao perfeitamente OK. Desde que vc nao se atreva a usar BRANCO - rs. Quem usaria branco num casamento anyway? nunca nem ouvi contar uma historia.

Se o casamento for durante o dia, fiquem longe das roupas cheias de brilhinhos e aqueles tecidos pesados de tantas lantejolas e fru-frus... O casamento durante o dia pede por um vestidinho de comprimento no joelho (de preferencia), de cottom ou outro tecido (dependendo e respeitando, a estacao do ano e o clima). Tomara que caia sao bem vindos e sapatos com o bico aberto, tbem sao ok.Ate um chapeuzinho delicado e simples pode ficar bonito e cai muito bem. Agora olha so:

Se a cerimonia for de tarde e a festa se estende pela noite, consideramos o casamento semi-formal, o que pede um Cocktail dress ou ate mesmo um terninho com cores que nao irao ofuscar a noiva. Como por exemplo: Rosa eh ok, mas PINK nem pensar... Seda e Misturas de Seda tambem sao aprovadas. Agora nao vao esquecer, se usarem um tomara-que-caia, nao se esquecam de terem um casaquinho ou xale na hora da cerimonia, principalmente se for na Igreja*

Se a cerimonia for formal do tipo: Black tie, entao ja sabe, pode colocar aquele vestido MARAVILHOSO que todas nos temos em nossos Closets... Abusem da Seda e do Brilho...

Se a ocasiao for um Cocktail Party, sem surpresa aqui ne mulherada? Cocktail dresses, que estao sempre na moda e sao uma otima opcao pra qualquer festa. Agora, temos outras opcoes viu? Uma saia bem legal com um top com detalhes ou sparkles tambem sao uma boa pedida.

Se a ocasiao for um jantar na casa de amigos: a velha etiqueta pede um pretinho basico e sapatos de salto.
Etiqueta nova: aqui vai ter sempre um truquezinho. Vc pode ir muito mais arrumada que todo mundo (oque seria pessimo), voce pode ir menos arrumada do que todo mundo (o que seria ainda pior), vc pode ofender quem esta dando a festa, dependendo da maneira que vc vai se vestir... portanto, o melhor conselho: Pede uma opiniao a pessoa quem esta dando a festa. Pergunte se a atomosfera eh + pra um Denim (jeans bem vindos) ou eh + uma festinha do tipo: Saia e Blusinha abotoada, ou vestido to tipo:Cocktail dress..
Conselho que sempre funciona (esconda na bolsa um scarf bem lindo e um par de brincos bem dangly ou do tipo chandelier)... se voce precisar, estara em maos...rsrs

Se a ocasiao for um jantar de negocios: Va pelos sinais... Se o tipo da tua compania for daqueles bem abertos, do tipo: (Fabrica e loja de equipamentos de surf), vc pode ir mais despojada. Nao use nada provocante. Roupas provocantes podem impedir as pessoas de te olharem e te respeitarem como voce deve ser olhada e respeitada num ambiente profissional.
Se depois do jantar, vcs vao a uma festa ou dancar, um vestido tipo envelope, cores nao muito escuras e provocantes, podem cair bem.. do tipo verdinho ou ate mesmo um tom metalico. Ou ate mesmo vc pode jogar um colar bem chuncky ao inves de perolas..

Se for uma entrevista de Trabalho:
A velha etiqueta diz que um terninho eh sempre a melhor alternativa.
Bom, nao em todos os casos. Muita coisa mudou. Depende muito do estilo de empresa que vc ta querendo se ingressar.
Muitos Entrevistadores gostam de sentir e ver um pouco de personalidade na maneira com a qual o candidato se apresenta. Portanto, arrisque um pouco, mas nao ultrapasse a linha que te leva pro ridiculo, senao.. ja era.
Terninho eh uma boa pedida. JEANS: NUNCA. Eh importante destacar que a roupa deve estar impecavelmente limpa e passada.
Eh uma questao degosto bom senso tambem ne gente?

Se a ocasiao for um batismo ou cerimonia religiosa:
Velha etiqueta pedia tecidos florais, chapeus e ate luvas.
Nova etiqueta pede pra voce respeitar o tipo de cerimonia e ter o senso de que numa cerimonia religiosa, nao se vai provocante, com saia curtas ou mostrando decote ne? Se for um batismo, abuse um pouco das cores, pode ser um terninho com uma cor bem alegre (afinal vc esta celebrando uma crianca e as criancas sao alegres e despojadas).
Um vestidinho do tipo: Vestidinho de Verao tambem cai bem.
Se tiver uma festa ou jantar depois da cerimonia, eh perfeitamente ok, trocar de roupa se vc tiver uma brecha e colocar algo + pra noite.

Se a ocasiao for um funeral ou velorio:
Velha etiqueta diz: se vc esta sofrendo... preto eh a sua cor.
Nao eh + assim viu gente? O negocio eh: respeite a familia e a ocasiao.
Use algo que nao seja provocante (obviamente) e nem que seja todo florido e com cores vibrantes. Use algo conservador, sofisticado e com cores tipo: verde musgo, marrom, azul marinho ou preto. Perolas sao bem-vindas e brincos studs tambem. Nada de colares e brincos extravagantes.

Se a ocasiao for uma Noite no Teatro, Ballet ou Opera:
Velha etiqueta dizia, infelizmente nao diz mais que vc pode se emperequetar mesmo! Ja que pagou uma quantia exorbitante no ingresso, vamos caprichar no vestido longo e black tie ne?
Sim e Nao. A realidade eh que pode, mas muita gente aderiu ao jeans e camisetinha escrito: I love NY. Gente nao tem nada + brega do que ir ao Teatro de jeans e camiseta.. Ridiculo.
Vestidinho Cocktail vai bem em qualquer ocasiao. Vamos ter senso!!!

Se a ocasiao eh o Primeiro jantar com o gato ou pra conhecer os pais do namorado/futuro maridex.
Genteee... esse nao eh o melhor lugar pra correr riscos. Embora vc tenha que escolher uma roupa que mostre tua personalidade e te deixe a vontade, isso nao quer dizer que vc pode colocar qualquer coisa ne? Nao escolha nada apertado ou curto, ou decotado, ou rasgado...
Escolha algo que te deixe a vontade, que reflita tua personalidade, que seja apresentavel (nem muito, nem pouco). O meio termo neste caso eh fundamental e necessario.

In English:
Tired of not knowing what to wear when you get that invitation? Well, I am not an expert in fashion. But I do like to read about it. Also I consider myself a well dressed woman. I always try to make sure what type of place I am going, what kind of weather I will have and I mainly try to match everything with my personality and style. I love beautiful things and things that show who I am.
I feel flattered when my mother-in-law call me for advices and even though I think it's kind of funny, it really makes me feel responsable for what I say and wear.
Hope you guys can enjoy this guide*

Let's see if we can get some help from this
The Occasion: A Wedding
Old Etiquette: Don’t wear white or black or red.

New Etiquette: Black and red are perfectly fine, but white is still the ultimate wedding no-no.

What to Wear: Let the invitation, the season, and the hour be your guides. (If you’re at a loss and you’re close to the bride, ask her what’s right; otherwise, consult the maid of honor or the bride’s mother.)

For day weddings, which tend to be more casual, steer clear of anything heavily beaded or sequined, says Lauren A. Rothman, founder of Style Auteur, a fashion-consulting firm based in Washington founder of Style Auteur, a fashion-consulting firm based in Washington, D.C. Instead, opt for a knee-length dress in a material like cotton; in warmer weather or regions, strapless styles and open-toed shoes get the nod of approval. Simple hats also earn a thumbs-up, says Amy Lindquist, head of Lindquist Fashion & Image Consulting, in Minneapolis. If the ceremony is in the afternoon and the reception in the evening and the invitation doesn’t specify dress, assume the event is semiformal, which calls for a cocktail dress or an evening suit in a color that won’t upstage the bride. “Pale pink is OK — hot pink is not,” says Lindquist. Black tie once meant floor-length gowns. Now, at all but the grandest affairs, dresses as short as knee-length are acceptable, provided they have a semiformal or formal cut and fabric; silk or a silk blend, for instance, would be appropriate. As for wearing a strapless or sleeveless dress in a house of worship, some have strict rules about covering up; check the protocol beforehand or bring a wrap.

Should you be invited to the rehearsal dinner, “they vary greatly in formality, so note where it’s being held,” says Lizzie Post, an etiquette authority, an author, and a spokesperson for the Emily Post Institute. In general, “cocktail-party rules apply,” Joseph Williamson, a fashion stylist in New York City. “Save your better outfit for the big day, but wear something dressy to the dinner. A dress and a jacket or a cardigan with some sparkle would be nice. But keep it understated.” Remember — there’s only one shining star at matrimonial shindigs, and it’s not you.

The Occasion: A Cocktail Party
Old Etiquette: No surprise here — a cocktail dress.

New Etiquette: Cocktail dresses are always in style, but you have other options.

What to Wear: These days, a cocktail party can be anything from a swanky society affair — cue that glittery knee-length number from the “special occasions” department — to a low-key group of friends gathered around a platter of crudités. But for the most part, “cocktail parties are dressy-casual, so you can’t go wrong if you wear a top with some special details and a skirt or tailored pants, plus heels or fancy flats,” says Williamson. “Avoid fabrics that are too casual, like chino, jersey, and denim.”

A fitted cashmere or fine-gauge merino-wool top with a knee-length satin skirt, heels, earrings, and an armful of stacked bangles is just right, he says. Sue Fox, an etiquette authority based in Paso Robles, California, and the author of Etiquette for Dummies (Wiley, $22, www.amazon.com), also suggests a pantsuit, provided it doesn’t look too corporate. (Under the jacket, wear a silky camisole or some other feminine top with an evening vibe.) Keep in mind that different cities have their own dress codes, says Rothman: “Cocktail attire in Miami is just as dressy and chic as in New York, regardless of the weather differences, while in San Diego it’s interpreted a bit more casually, because the city is relaxed.”

The Occasion: A Dinner Party
Old Etiquette: A little black dress and heels.

New Etiquette: Gauge your outfit by the party.

What to Wear: Given the number of variables (what time of year is it? who are your hosts? is it a special occasion?), there’s no one right answer, which can make things a bit tricky. If you underdress, you risk offending your dinner companions. Overdress by a mile and “you can make your host feel inadequate, insecure, or uncomfortable,” etiquette authority Sue Fox points out. The solution: “Ask the host for advice,” says fashion consultant Lauren A. Rothman. It’s the best way to find out if you’re in for a denim-welcome get-together or a more buttoned-up, skirt-and-blouse affair. Still worried about hitting the mark? Stash dangly earrings or a pretty scarf in your bag to dress up an outfit if need be, advises etiquette authority Lizzie Post.

The Occasion: A Business Dinner or a Company Party
Old Etiquette: Your nine-to-five wear puts in some overtime.

New Etiquette: Keep things professional (you’re still working) but in line with the event.

What to Wear: When you’re dressing for a work function, the culture of your office should prevail. “If it’s a conservative environment, dress conservatively for events, too,” says fashion stylist Joseph Williamson. But no matter how relaxed your office environment or the occasion (that means you, company picnic!), never wear anything provocative. “A too-revealing outfit can prevent you from being taken seriously when it comes to job promotions,” warns Fox. And, yes, that includes the “sexy cat” costume you’ve been eyeing for the annual Halloween bash.

For business dinners, office wear is appropriate (provided your workplace isn’t overly casual): trousers with a refined sweater or a blouse and blazer. If you’re going to a work party straight from the office, try a sheath or a wrap dress in a dark shade, or “wear a suit and bring along a feminine blouse and evening-appropriate shoes, like in a metallic shade,” suggests Leah Ingram, an etiquette authority and the founder of www.giftsandetiquette.com, based in New Hope, Pennsylvania. “Or you could simply swap your jewelry for something a little bolder — a chunky necklace instead of pearls.” As for that company picnic, choose knee-length shorts and a short-sleeve top, or a sundress with sandals — nothing ripped, frayed, or strapless.

The Occasion: A Job Interview
Old Etiquette: A conservative dark suit. End of story.

New Etiquette: You can’t go wrong with a suit, but in many fields it’s not the only (or best) choice.

What to Wear: At large, traditional companies, suits are still the standard. “There aren’t appropriate alternatives to a suit, and wearing one tells me you are seriously interested in the position,” says legal recruiter Kim Mains, manager of legal recruiting for Cozen O’Connor, a law firm based in Philadelphia. However, in many creative or artistic fields — design, media, retail, technology — it can be a plus to step outside of the box: Try a sheath dress with a wide belt and a cardigan, or a pencil skirt with a blouse and a cropped jacket. “When I’m hiring, I like to see an outfit that tells me the candidate has a personal sense of style,” says Paul Howalt, creative director and owner of Tactix Creative, a branding firm in Mesa, Arizona.

That said, no matter how casual the environment, don’t assume that it’s cool to wear jeans to an interview. “Don’t dress as if the job is yours,” cautions Peri Hansen, a senior client partner at Korn/Ferry International, an executive-search firm in Los Angeles. When in doubt, she says, “call the interviewer’s assistant or the HR executive and ask what’s appropriate. It shows interest and respect.” In all cases, your clothing should be impeccably clean, ironed, and tailored. Under no circumstances should it be skimpy, plunging, or tight.

The Occasion: A Baptism, a Bar Mitzvah, or Some Other Religious Ceremony
Old Etiquette: Trot out the Sunday finery. Florals welcome, hats and gloves preferred!

New Etiquette: Honor the occasion in attire that is tasteful, not stuffy.

What to Wear: For starters, “choose an outfit that’s appropriate in a religious facility — not too low-cut or clingy,” says etiquette authority Lizzie Post. (If you’ve never been to a particular house of worship, it’s a good idea to double-check its conventions.) Just as important is steering clear of anything overly serious when you’re celebrating a happy milestone in a child’s life. For a baptism, “wear a little bit of color, like a bright suit or a pretty daytime dress,” says Post. The dress code for a Bar Mitzvah or a Bat Mitzvah can be determined by the party held afterward. “If the party immediately follows the service, you’ll wear the same thing to both, so put on a cocktail dress, but make sure to cover up with a jacket or a shawl at the temple,” says fashion consultant Lauren A. Rothman. “If there’s a break before the reception, you may want to change.” A feminine suit works well for the service; wear something dressier to the party.

The Occasion: A Funeral or a Wake
Old Etiquette: If you’re in mourning, you’re in black.

New Etiquette: Your outfit doesn’t have to be black; it does have to be respectful.

What to Wear: What’s most important is to convey the somberness of the event, which can be accomplished with toned-down clothing in “dark neutrals, like navy, brown, and forest green,” says etiquette expert Leah Ingram. (Pantsuits and lightweight wool dresses are a safe bet.) Dark and discreet patterns are also fine, as are quiet and classic accessories, like pearls and stud earrings. “This is not the time for your orange-and-yellow Indonesian necklace,” “You shouldn’t be wearing anything festive or fun, unless you’ve been told otherwise.” If you suspect something might be pushing the envelope, skip it.

The Occasion: A Night at the Theater, the Ballet, or the Opera
Old Etiquette: All about puttin’ on the ritz.

New Etiquette: You’ve got a pretty wide berth. Still, spiff it up!

What to Wear: Once upon a time, these evenings out were considered a license to dress to the nines. Nowadays, though, you’re more likely to spot jeans and an I Heart NY T-shirt at a Broadway show than formal wear. But just because you can be casual doesn’t mean you should be. “You paid a fair amount for a nice evening out, so why drop the ball when it comes to your outfit?” says wardrobe consultant Amy Lindquist. On opening night, “go for broke and dress as you would for any black-tie occasion. Otherwise, dress as for a cocktail party: a sophisticated suit or a tailored shirt, trousers, and heels,” advises fashion stylist Joseph Williamson. But recognize regional differences. “In Burlington, Vermont, we would not show up to the ballet in an evening gown. But plenty of people in New York City do,” says Post. “Know your town and what’s expected.” And if ultimately you feel that you absolutely prefer to be in jeans, choose a pair in a dark wash with no holes or distressing.

The Occasion: A Good First Impression (a First Date, Meeting the In-Laws, School Functions)
Old Etiquette: A conservative twinset and a skirt to show how ladylike you are.

New Etiquette: Dress true to your personality — but this isn’t the time to take risks.

What to Wear: First and foremost, you should feel like you. Select an outfit that makes you feel great about yourself, “If there’s a particular color you look really good in or a pair of pants you’ve gotten a lot of compliments on, start with that,” he says. The cautionary note: As the old saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression, so avoid potential eyebrow-raisers. “Don’t wear anything too tight or short, and don’t try too many trends at once,” says fashion consultant Lauren A. Rothman. “For a first date, pick an outfit that’s colorful and feminine and leaves something to the imagination, like a wrap dress.”

An easy but proper ensemble for a school event would be a sheath with a cashmere wrap or trousers and a jacket. When meeting the in-laws, look to your partner for cues about how formal (or not) his family is. (Why deny yourself a cheat sheet?) “Definitely find out their expectations and how they like to dress,” says etiquette authority Lizzie Post. “My boyfriend’s parents were perfectly happy to meet me in jeans and a tee, but others might be more traditional.”

4 de set. de 2008

DAVID & KRISTEN in Boston*

Este final de semana foi massa!
Meus cunhados vieram de KY pra Boston para passarem 5 dias. Nao deu pra fazer muito, mas aproveitamos o pouco que deu.
Sexta a noite mamma levou Izzy pra dormir la e Dan e eu saimos pra jantarmos com o David, Kristen e um cliente dele (Francisco - que figurinha!!!) num restaurante perto do Fenway Park. O jantar tava maravilhoso e me concedeu a oportunidade de conhecer melhor minha cunhada.
Deixa eu explicar:
David, meu cunhado (irmao do maridex) ja foi casado antes e separou-se depois de 4,5 anos de casamento. A familia vibrou quando soube da noticia! Ninguem gostava da Jararaca e apesar do sofrimento inicial, tudo mudou depois que ele conheceu a Kristen.
Loirinha aguada, bem estilo americana, ela eh doce, engracada e inteligente. Eles se conheceram num consultorio medico (ela eh fisioterapeuta) e meu cunhado, obviamente, era o paciente - rsrs...
Apos 1 ano, ele propos casamento (nesse interim se divorciou), e o casamento se deu em Marco de 2008.
(Nao fui porque Izzy da muito trabalho no aviao) mas me arrependi ate os ultimos.
Segundo meu marido, foi maravilhoso e as fotos e a filmagem nao os deixam mentir... servem de consolo ne? fazer o que? ja passou!
Anyway, Apesar de morarmos longe e nao termos muitas oportunidades de sairmos juntos e trocarmos ideias, adoro minha cunhada, ainda + depois deste findi.
Apos o jantar, fomos ao jogo de baseball (of course) e nos divertimos muiiiitooo !!!

In English:
This weekend was really great!
My brother-in-law and his wife Kristen came to Boston for a quick visit.
Even though it wasn't for a long time, we still had time to hang out and still we had a blast!
Friday night David and his vendor (Francisco), took us for a great dinner and Red Sox game right after.
The place was perfect, the food great and we laughed so hard with the stories Francisco and David were telling us. These two could make a movie about their professional lives...
Anyway, Kristen and I had a little time to catch up before the boys arrived and I was so happy to get to know her a little better. It makes hard when you live so far away.

As most of my friends know, David was married before and broke up after few years. The beginning was difficult as we all can expect and a little surprising, but, everything changed for the best when he met KRISTEN*
She is one of those women you really admire! Her simple way-to-be , her intelligence and sense of humor make her very special and adorable!. It is almost the feeling you CAN'T help NOT TO LOVE HER!
The family is very pleased with his choice and seeing David happy is such a joy for all of us! Since he is so loved and precious for all of us!
Kristen is a physical therapist and they met (I believe in 2004 or 2005) through her work. He was her patient (how cute and romantic is that?)...
The wedding was in March of this year and I regret enormously for not having attended it.
At the time, with Izzy so little, thought it wouldn't be a good idea to fly and have a wedding to go to on top of it...
My husband and my in-laws, flew to KY and had an amazing time.. The pictures are beautiful and the 1st dance was my favorite thing, second to the movie they played showing pictures of them and the family, since childhood...

Well, we are really looking forward to the next time (Thanksgiving) and hoping for more time to hang out!!!