Sabado 9:00 da madruga ja estavamos la (Eu, Ronaldo e Nildinha). A festa era pro domingo, mas tinha muito pra fazer no sabado... se nao fosse o sol de 1000 graus, tudo teria sido muito mais facil... mas, nao vamos reclamar ne? Ja basta o tanto que eu reclamei no sabado....
A organizacao da festa levou aprox 9 horas no sabado e outras 3 no domingo, mas valeu a pena gente.. tava tudo lindo, tinha bebida e comida a vontade e muitas coisas legais aconteceram neste final de semana, dentre elas: Conheci pessoas maravilhosas como o Ronaldo e a Nilda - foi muito legal trabalhar com eles - gente finissima, super alegre, + que bem humorada...(nossa como a gente se divertiu nenao Nildinha? Fala ai Ro?).
Dr. Francis Ambrosio e sua esposa tambem foram gente boa, porem, a pessoinha especial foi o Damien.
O Damien (Damiao em portugues), completou 26 anos de idade. Ele nao fala, nao anda e come atraves de uma sonda conectada ao estomago. ainda assim, ele ri, pega na tua mao, pisca quando quer fazer charminho e manda beijo (se ele acha que voce vale a pena) - risos!
A vida com certeza eh mais dificil pra ele do que pra nos, mas ele nao tem consciencia disto porque ja nasceu assim.. portanto, nada de pena com ele nao viu? Detesto esse negocio de ter pena dos outros - Cada um tem uma missao e a dele eh esta... Tenho certeza que ele veio nesta vida, nesta familia, com um fundamento que so ele e Deus sabem - nao nos eh permitido julgar e sentir pena daquilo que nao conhecemos a fundo.
Portanto, Damien... foi um prazer enorme te-lo conhecido e espero te rever breve!
Bj gde no teu coracao...Renata.
In English:
This weekend was absolutely crazy. Starting on friday night when Telmita called and asked me to call Nilda for a job. I called her and she asked me If I wanted to go help set up and take care of this party at her job.
After closing the deal (very nice and generous by the way), I got ready for saturday.9:00 am we're already there... The weather was so hot that I wanted to kill myself (literally).
We worked about 8 hours on saturday and about 12 on sunday.. The party was out of this world... Very nice, full of people and tons of food and drinks!
Damien couldn't even stay outside, 'cause was too hot, but I am sure he enjoyed in his way.
Damien is 26 years old. I am not sure the name of his condition, but he is not able to eat, speak or walk. He is fed thought a feeding tube on his stomach and spends most of his days in a wheel chair.
His life is very different than ours, but I am not sure how much he understands or even if he has any knowlodge about this, since he was born that way.
He is a gracious man, he holds your hands, he kisses you (If you are really special) and you can tell he understands and feels people's energy - that's why I hate when people starts to talk to others around him, ignoring the fact he is there (like he doesn't understand).
How do they know it for sure? We CAN NOT DO THAT!
Please, always respect the fact "we don't know everything" and give to people the benefit of doubt. That way you can make sure you are not hurting anyone.
..anyway, it was a special weekend and I can't thank enough Telmita, Nilda e Doctor Ambrosio's family !
Damien for you:
You are a special and gracious gift from heaven! Hope I can see you again soon!
Renata Wilson*
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