Gente, o Natal passou e eu nem postei nada sobre a vespera e o Natal em si! Mas tbem sao tantas as coisas!!!

Olha so, a Vespera de Natal nos passamos na minha sogra (eu com minha familia e a familia da Telmita marmita) como fazemos todos os anos e foi bem legal!

Juju and Izzy trocaram gifts and o jantar estava divino como sempre!

* O dia de Natal, nos celebramos coincidentemente "na minha sogrinha" de novo!!! eh que a vespera cai cada ano em uma casa e este ano foi a vez dela! Foi gostoso! As criancas ate cansaram de tanto abrir presentes e mais uma vez eu nao me cansei de pensar o quao abencoada eh minha filha...

... Era tudo tao diferente na minha epoca...
Obrigada, obrigada e obrigada a todos meus amigos e familiares, pelo Amor, pela presenca, pelos presentes que alegraram minha filhinha, porem, o meu mais profundo agradecimento vai a vcs pelo simples fato de vcs existirem e me fazerem tao feliz!
In English:
I already made a post about my New Years, but, didn't do Christmas yet! What's wrong with me? lol. I can't believe how busy I am! Jesss!!!
I already made a post about my New Years, but, didn't do Christmas yet! What's wrong with me? lol. I can't believe how busy I am! Jesss!!!
Christmas Eve and Day we spent in my in-laws home. Christmas Eve with Telma, Roger and Juju and Christmas Day with the WIL-TOM FAMILY!
The kids, once again, had so much fun and thousands of gifts to open!
I can't control not to think in my childhood! How different things were back then!
Even though, it's fun to watch Izzy opening so many gifts, I am very concern about how she will appreciate things in life, since life brings her so much material things!
Despite our effort to make Christmas being simple as can be, there are too much going on and we feel that we can't control it, and this feeling is kind of difficult to have.
Anyway, Christmas is my favorite Holiday and we are raising Izzy to learn, love and appreciate Christmas for what it really represents and not for what it brings!
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