Amigassss.... como foi bom essa semana! Vcs nem imaginam.... maridao ficou em casa a semana toda (sozinho), confesso que gostei.. em partes... Queria que ele sentisse falta de nos e ao mesmo tempo... apreciasse todo meu "hard work" as wife and mother...
Funcionou, diga-se de passagem... depois conto a voces a surpresa!
Bom, chegamos em Cape (segunda feira passada dia 30 de junho). O cottage da familia do meu marido ja existe ha + de 50 anos e meu marido cresceu praticamente indo pra la todos os finais de semana e ferias...
Meu lugar preferido: LONG POND,
A Nina (tia-vo do Dan)
Varios momentos especiais surgiram nesta viagem, mas um bem legal foi o fato da Isabella ter encontrado uma amiguinha no lago (nome da Amiguinha: Isabella) idade: quase a mesma da minha Isabella... as duas ate que se parecem um pouquinho e foi muito legal ter passado alguns momentos com ela e com a sua avo: Claire!
Quinta a feira a noite, maridinho chegou... 2 da madruga... nem pegou transito, ainda bem... e ai foi so alegria.. sexta: 4 de julho "INDEPENDENCIA DOS EUA" fomos assistir a um PARADE tipico da cidade e comemos Lobster Rool... ai que delicia!
Sabado fomos a um jogo de baseball em Orleans e foi suuuuper legal... Bom, voces sabem que o meu marido eh fanatico por Baseball 'GO RED SOX"
Sabado a noite... fomos nos DRIVE-IN cinema outdoor - maravilhoso.. Izzy se divertiu muito e o filme foi bem cute: WALLE... ja deve ta ai no Brasa, nao ta nao??? Eu indico! mas se vcs nao gostarem de filme parado... nem percam tempo... ele nao eh muito agitado nao...anyway, nos gostamos... e a Izzy amou!
Beijo no coracao!
In English:
The week in Cape was absolutely great! I liked the idea to leave hubby at home (not really-lol!), but it was nice to find out he missed us so much and really appreciated my hard work as mom and wife! ($$$)
Izzy and I had a magical time (not Disney but a magical place). I took her to the pond my husband grew up going to with his family, and it made me feel soo good seeing her having so much fun!
Nina was very nice and we had great time together!
Thursday night was the best night (hubby showed up for the weekend)... Got there about 2:00 am and as soon we woke up friday, after a great breakfast I prepared to everyone, we went to a little Parade for 4th of July in Wellfleet. It was really fun! took pictures and had lobster rool for lunch!
Friday night we went to a baseball game in Orleans and hubby had a great time! He was all excited and happy for being there. We talked so much about the time he used to go with his mother and brother and how much fun they used to have... Izzy got lots of souveniers, T-Shirt, a ball, a book, the entire time authografed her ball and she thought it was so funny collecting the authografs.
Dan got a jacket, t-shirt, book, movie... everything he could buy - It was very special seeing him so happy! He so deserves it!
Saturday the city was incredibly busy, no place to get a bit to eat, can you believe this? We ended up eating at Pj's (had clams, chicken , cheeseburguers..) saturday night : DRIVE-IN, movie: Walle...
How fun! Izzy loved it! we did like it very much and we couldn't be happier together!
Sunday we did my favorite thing: FLEA MARKET... I bought few things I loved.. (Yeah yeah yeah... ). It was a great time! $$$
Sunday the sun came out and we went to the pond as a family, even Nina came. Dan and Izzy had a blast in the water... I finally could seat down and get a really rest (and a tan)... We got pizza in the afternoon and Dan went home about 7:00pm.
It was a great time! Thank you Nina! thanks Hubby!
3 comentários:
Miga, que surpresa foi essa hein?
To curiosa agora, as fotos estão lindas, e de vez em quando é bom tirar férias do maridão mesmo ahahah... beijoca.
Que delicia amiga. Estamos marcando de ir p/ la tbm, minha amiga chegou essa semana de la e gostou muito tbm =]
Estao lindas as fotos. Agora conta p/ gente a surprise..rsss
Bjs com carinho!
I can't wait to go to the Cape myself. It's going to be a lot of fun when we come up. Great pictures.
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