Migas, milhoes de coisas rolaram nestas ultimas semanas!!! ('as leitoras/clientes), desculpa nao ter respondido todos os emails do brecho, mas eh que fiquei busy mesmo... agora to respondendo um por um e tirando as medidas tambem...
Semana retrasada fomos no aniversario da Bermuda "filhinha de um amigo do maridex", gente, nao eh que eles tiveram uma ideia brilhante! Pois eh! O aniversario dela foi no Boston Common - um parque maravilhoso aqui no centro de Boston, eles chamaram uma mulher que fez teatrinho de puppets e o resto das coisas foram atracoes do proprio parque...
Amei! As criancas se divertiram muito, amaram o teatrinho ao ar livre, depois fomos todos andar de "Duck Ride" no lago e ainda teve parquinho e atracoes aquaticas...
E nao pensem que nao tinha o que comer nao... apesar de ficar andando de um lado pro outro, eles trouxeram snacks, bottles of water, um bolo lindo e gostoso, party favors, bexigas e tudo o que se tem direito... ah! ja ia me esquecendo.. ate sorvete eles trouxeram....
Eu diria que tinha aproximadamente 15 criancas e 25 a 30 adultos... Segue fotos!!!
Ah o nome Bermuda deu-se pelo fato dos papais dela terem se apaixonado em uma das viagens que eles fizeram, adivinha pra onde:
In English:
This was one of the best birthday's party I ever been to.
What a great idea!
Bermuda is the daughter of Dan's class mate and she just turned 3 years old few weeks ago.
They had the party at the Boston Common and we had a Blast!
Izzy had a blast, I should say - we did too!
First, all the kids were outside together watching a Puppets Show (so cute). After the show, we all went to the Duck Ride, the kids loved it and the adults had as much fun as the kids...
Izzy was fascinated and we took great pictures!
We went to the park and Izzy got a kick out of the water sprinkles...
They had cake, snacks, water, juice and even party favors for the kids... very well organized and fun!
There was about 15 childreen and maybe 25 adults... quite a party.. .very well done, loved it!
Ah just one more thing: BERMUDA... because her parents fell in love in one of the vacations they had in Bermuda, of course!!! How romantic!!!
*Too bad Izzy's birthday is in january (tooo cold ) to make a party outside...
Maybe I will decide to celebrate her birthday differently.. instead every year, what about:
Every year and a half????
Just kidding...
Written by: Renata Wilson*
Visitem meu Brecho-direto de Boston*
Um comentário:
I didn't know the duck boats were still running. How long do they run for? What a great party idea!
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