Gente, nao da nem pra dizer o quao maravilhosa foi esta viagem a Disney (tao merecida por sinal), mas vou tentar anyway.
1o. de tudo: O hotel "Saratoga Springs" - Out of this world, literally! Coisa + linda!
A suite que ficamos acomodava 5 pessoas, com direito a cozinha, 2 banheiros, jacuzi , maquina de lavar roupa, louca e secadora, King Size Bed...
A vista.. magnifica (muito verde e varios lagos com imenso chafariz)... linda vista!
Foi uma segunda lua-de-mel, sem sombra de duvidas e momentos inesqueciveis vivemos nestes dias!
Nosso aniversario de casamento foi quinta dia 24 de julho (celebramos 4 anos) - jantamos no mesmo restaurante que fomos ha 4 anos atras em nossa lua-de-mel "Tony's restaurant" - coisa + rica (todo decorado ao tema do filme: The Lady and the Tramp), pedimos a mesma comida:
Linguini with meatballs e de appetizer, comemos um delicioso calamari!
Antes do jantar, Dan me proporcionou uma ride de charrete pelos arredores com direito a vinho branco e um colar lindissimo de presente de aniversario de casamento!!!
Eu... como sempre... chorei ate... da pra ver pelo meu olho vermelho ai na foto... mas eh que fiquei surpresa com o presente, eu tava achando que a
Os dias foram realmente maravilhosos (ate cliche ficar repetindo), mas eh a + pura verdade... Nos divertimos como ha muito nao faziamos... brincamos, rimos muito, falamos besteiras, assistimos tv, acordamos tarde, brincamos na piscina... fomos em todos os brinquedos do parque (ou quase todos - risos)... fizemos amor... compramos presentes ate dizer chega pra Izzy e pra todos que ficaram pra traz...enfim... foi muito bom!
Agradeco primeiramente a Deus por me abencoar com tantas alegrias, ao meu marido por ser tao generoso, aos meus sogros por estarem sempre tao presentes em nossas vidas ...
Beijo no coracao!
In English:
Dear friends and Family - we had a blast!
Starting from the resort "Saratoga Springs" absolutely gorgeous! Bedroom with king size bed, living room that could sleep easy 4 people, a bathroom, another bathroom with Jacuzi, kitchen, laundry room .. and a stunning view to a beautiful park with a tall, pretty waterfont !
It was a great "second honeymoon"!
Dan and I had so much fun together - we took advantage from the late hours for guests staying in the resorts and we're able to go to every park and do every ride more than once (or almost every ride) - LOL!
The pools in our hotel were so beautiful and we spent great hours in them, talking, tanning, drinking... swimming...
Our aniversary was thursday (July 24) and we went to the same restaurant we were 4 years ago in our honeymoon "Tony's".
Loved it! the theme: THE LADY AND THE TRAMP - very cute! we had linguinni with meatballs and calamari for app.
Before that, Dan got us a Horse Carriage Ride - How fun was that! We had cold white wine and he gave me a gorgeous gold leaf necklace for our aniversary!
I was so surprised, 'cause he told me to don't buy anything for him (the trip was our gift for each other) and I totally believed him ! How innocent!!! LOL!
You can see my face - I was so happily surprised and very emotional as well (bunch of tears, as usual)....
I know it sounds very cliche keep repeating how nice everything was, but it really was great!
We reconnected, we laughed so loud, we bought so many things, we enjoyed every second of it!!!
I just can not Thank enough God for so many blessings in my life! I also Thank my hubby for being so generous and a Big thanks to my in-laws for all the support and love!
It was a MAGICAL TIME!!!!
By : Renatinha Wilson*
4 comentários:
Amei as fotos e que ferias merecida hein amiga! Vcs estao lindos! Coloca mais fotos ai meu, quero ver os pombinhos! Beijo, amo vcs!
No idea what you said, but that picture was hysterical!!! See you guys soon.
Thank you for putting that in English...I enjoyed it...I'm glad you guys had fun.
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