29 de abr. de 2008

Isabella ta fazendo xixi no piniquinho...

Gente...minha filhinha Izzy ta fazendo xixi e coco no piniquinho!
Ela leva ate revistinha ou livrinho pra ajuda-la na empreitada, eh mole? E agente pensa que eles nao entendem muito quando sao pequenininhos hein? Minha filha imita tudo o que ve, absolutamente tudo!
Conselho as mamaes de primeira viagem - as novinhas de casa: CUIDADO COM O QUE VCS FAZEM OU FALAM perto das criancas... Hoje, por sinal, peguei ela com o bebe dela na cadeirinha do "castigo"... perguntei o porque do bebe estar de castigo e ela disse: Mommy, ela jogou a mamadeira no chao e por isso esta te castigo...
Valha me Deus! Outro dia ela apareceu no meu quarto com meu vestido, com meus sapatos de salto e toda maquiada... 2 ANOS GENTE! Que mundo eh esse? As criancas sao muito inteligentes nos dias de hoje e todo cuidado eh pouco...
Estamos todos muito entusiasmados e orgulhosos dela!
Go Potty Training!
By: Renata-Bilinha* "mommy"

In English:
Izzy is going to the potty my friends! We can't no believe it! She even takes magazines or books to help her with the "hard work" - lol! Can you believe that? And we think they don't understand too much when they are so little... How wrong is that?
They not only understand more than we possibly think, they also imitate/repeat everything we do or say. It's so funny and it can be very dangerous as well, so here it goes an advice to the new parents:
BE VERY CAREFUL WITH WHAT YOU SAY OR DO in the presence of your child! they really copy you - believe me!
Today for instance, I caught her with her baby doll at the time-out chair, then very surprised I asked her what was the reason for the time out. She looked at me and very serious said: Mommy, she through her bottle of milk on the floor - that's wrong! So, she is in time-out...
Ah... right... fair enough...
last week she came in my room dressed up with my high heels shoes and with make up on ... You got to be kidding me I thought to myself...
My little girl is really growing...
Kids are way smarter than we think they are, and also more aware of things that we expect, so, be very careful with your actions...
Izzy, we are sooo proud of you sweetie!
By: mommy*

Um comentário:

David Wilson disse...

Congratulations Izzy on your first poop in the potty! That's HUGE! LOL.