30 de abr. de 2008


Queridos Amigos, finalzinho de tarde, maridao liga e me avisa: Se arruma que vamos ao jogo de baseball... Entusiasmadissima, comeco a me arrumar, arrumo a Izzy e fico esperando ele chegar pra irmos ao Fenway Park assistir: Red Sox and Toronto...
Chegamos meio atrasados (4th. inning) - O jogo de baseball geralmente consiste em 9innings mas estava 0x0 e quem diria que valeria tanto apena
... O frio teimava em tentar nos desanimar... a Izzy estava toda encapotada e ainda usou minha Pachimina que quase me matou de frio... mas tudo bem...
Dava gosto de ver os olhos azuis do maridao... brilharem... esperando o grande desfecho...
Eis que no nono inning, Kevin Youkilis "Bendito Kevin" marcou o ponto tao esperado... FIM DE JOGO... RED SOX 1 A 0.... YEEEEEE!!!! So alegria... meu marido faltou chorar... ate minha filha, se desvencilhou da Pachimina e comecou a bater palma...
By: Renata*

In English:
Dear Friends... at the end of the afternoon, hubby Dan called and told me we would be going to the ball game... I got myself and Izzy ready in just few minutes and waited for him to get home to go see our loved Red Sox playing against Toronto...
We got there in the middle of the 4th inning, (normally the game has 9 innings), not even knowing that the best part was still to come...
Even the cold weather didn't make us less excited ... I even had to give up my Pachimina in order to make Izzy feel more comfortable, but, it was soooo worth it...
To be honest, these moments at Fenway are precious moments for me... I look in my husband's beautiful eyes and see how happy he is and it's enough to warm my heart...
Last night especially, it looked like he knew something big was about to happen... and it really did!
In the ninth inning, Kevin Youkilis's two out single, scored David Ortiz from 2nd base with the winning run in a 1 - 0 VICTORY FOR THE RED SOX...
What an incredible game!
by: Renata*

29 de abr. de 2008

Isabella ta fazendo xixi no piniquinho...

Gente...minha filhinha Izzy ta fazendo xixi e coco no piniquinho!
Ela leva ate revistinha ou livrinho pra ajuda-la na empreitada, eh mole? E agente pensa que eles nao entendem muito quando sao pequenininhos hein? Minha filha imita tudo o que ve, absolutamente tudo!
Conselho as mamaes de primeira viagem - as novinhas de casa: CUIDADO COM O QUE VCS FAZEM OU FALAM perto das criancas... Hoje, por sinal, peguei ela com o bebe dela na cadeirinha do "castigo"... perguntei o porque do bebe estar de castigo e ela disse: Mommy, ela jogou a mamadeira no chao e por isso esta te castigo...
Valha me Deus! Outro dia ela apareceu no meu quarto com meu vestido, com meus sapatos de salto e toda maquiada... 2 ANOS GENTE! Que mundo eh esse? As criancas sao muito inteligentes nos dias de hoje e todo cuidado eh pouco...
Estamos todos muito entusiasmados e orgulhosos dela!
Go Potty Training!
By: Renata-Bilinha* "mommy"

In English:
Izzy is going to the potty my friends! We can't no believe it! She even takes magazines or books to help her with the "hard work" - lol! Can you believe that? And we think they don't understand too much when they are so little... How wrong is that?
They not only understand more than we possibly think, they also imitate/repeat everything we do or say. It's so funny and it can be very dangerous as well, so here it goes an advice to the new parents:
BE VERY CAREFUL WITH WHAT YOU SAY OR DO in the presence of your child! they really copy you - believe me!
Today for instance, I caught her with her baby doll at the time-out chair, then very surprised I asked her what was the reason for the time out. She looked at me and very serious said: Mommy, she through her bottle of milk on the floor - that's wrong! So, she is in time-out...
Ah... right... fair enough...
last week she came in my room dressed up with my high heels shoes and with make up on ... You got to be kidding me I thought to myself...
My little girl is really growing...
Kids are way smarter than we think they are, and also more aware of things that we expect, so, be very careful with your actions...
Izzy, we are sooo proud of you sweetie!
By: mommy*

28 de abr. de 2008

Dia das Maes esta chegando!

Nao que eu seja consumista ou de importancia a essas besteiras, mas o Dia-das-Maes esta chegando e eh melhor tratar de fazer minha listinha... A Isabella so tem 2 aninhos e nao confio muito no gosto dela... portanto, sei que ela provavelmente vai pedir ajudar ao seu papai "meu dignissimo marido" que acha tudo que eu gosto " ou quase tudo" brega ou sem importancia... Bom, ele me comprou 2 bolsas da coach no dia dos namorados em fevereiro "aqui nos States, dia-dos-namorados eh em fevereiro" e acredito que vai ser um pouquinho dificil convence-lo de que eu adoraria uma bolsa de bagagem da Coach... ... Penso daqui, penso dali e cheguei a conclusao de que talvez... se eu mudar a Griffe "e consequentemente o preco" pode facilitar minha vida... Entao ai vai: BOLSA DE BAGAGEM DA VERA BRADLEY GIFT CARD PRA LOJA VICTORIA SECRET VIAGEM PRA DISNEY (Quem nao arrisca, nao petisca) VIAGEM PRO BRASIL* Bom, a listinha ta ai.. nao que seja tao importante ganhar presente no dia das Maes, um cartao escrito de coracao vai causar a mesma alegria... ... ou quase a mesma - risos! by: Renata-Bilinha

Mother's day is coming soon... and, not that I am a consumer or give too much importance to this kind of thing...
... I thought it would be nice to make a small list "just in case" cause, I don't really trust Isabella's taste in fashion and I believe she will be asking her daddy for help and he is not too into my fashion taste as well...
Couple of months ago, he got me 2 purses from Coach and a Bag from Vera Bradley for Valentine's Day... so, I guess, it will be a little difficult to convince him to buy me a travel bag from coach ...
So, I gave a little thinking to this problem and decided to don't even ask for it... so here it goes my list - feel free to just give me a beautiful card written from the heart... it will cause the same happiness... or... almost the same - lol!

By: Renata*

27 de abr. de 2008

Um Pouquinho da Isabella pra vcs!

Isabella eh a minha amada e querida FILHA!
Ela tem 2 anos e 4 meses e desde que nasceu tem sido minha INSPIRACAO pra tudo!
Agradeco a Deus todos os dias pelo Magnifico presente que ele me deu, que eh ter a honra e o privilegio de ser mae... de poder cuidar de um ser humano assim... como eu.... fruto de uma relacao que lutou pra vencer! Isabella eh linda, inteligente e cheia de graca - Ela eh a alegria da casa e tudo fica muito mais bonito quando ela esta presente! Te amo filha!

IN ENGLISH: Isabella is my loved child!
She is 28 months old and she has been my true inspiration since she was born.
I thank God every single day for the greatest gift of all, the gift to be a mom, to be able to take care another human being, for being trusted in to love and to care about this little angel who came from a relationship that fought to get to this point and is stronger than ever today.
Izzy is beautiful, inteligent and gracious like no one else.
She is the joy of this house and everything is so much more beautiful and colorful when she is around!
I love you sweetie!

24 de abr. de 2008

Minha Criacao

Nem acredito que acabei de criar "my own blog" - to super contente e devo isso inteiramente a minha AMIGA: DANI, querida: OBRIGADA!
Ha tanto tempo venho querendo criar meu espaco.. onde posso escrever sobre minhas experiencias... os acontecimentos do dia-a-dia.. enfim... "my own space" onde "I can be myself"

My brother-in-law David has something to do with this creation as well... He talked to me couple of times about how cool and fun it is. So, even though he told me I could count on him to help me out with it... I wanted to do it on my own "so, he can be proud of me"... lol!
thanks David, thanks Dani for all your help!
By: Renata-Bilinha!