Queridos Amigos, finalzinho de tarde, maridao liga e me avisa: Se arruma que vamos ao jogo de baseball... Entusiasmadissima, comeco a me arrumar, arrumo a Izzy e fico esperando ele chegar pra irmos ao Fenway Park assistir: Red Sox and Toronto...
Chegamos meio atrasados (4th. inning) - O jogo de baseball geralmente consiste em 9innings mas estava 0x0 e quem diria que valeria tanto apena
... O frio teimava em tentar nos desanimar... a Izzy estava toda encapotada e ainda usou minha Pachimina que quase me matou de frio... mas tudo bem...
Dava gosto de ver os olhos azuis do maridao... brilharem... esperando o grande desfecho...
Eis que no nono inning, Kevin Youkilis "Bendito Kevin" marcou o ponto tao esperado... FIM DE JOGO... RED SOX 1 A 0.... YEEEEEE!!!! So alegria... meu marido faltou chorar... ate minha filha, se desvencilhou da Pachimina e comecou a bater palma...
By: Renata*
In English:Dava gosto de ver os olhos azuis do maridao... brilharem... esperando o grande desfecho...
Eis que no nono inning, Kevin Youkilis "Bendito Kevin" marcou o ponto tao esperado... FIM DE JOGO... RED SOX 1 A 0.... YEEEEEE!!!! So alegria... meu marido faltou chorar... ate minha filha, se desvencilhou da Pachimina e comecou a bater palma...
By: Renata*
Dear Friends... at the end of the afternoon, hubby Dan called and told me we would be going to the ball game... I got myself and Izzy ready in just few minutes and waited for him to get home to go see our loved Red Sox playing against Toronto...
We got there in the middle of the 4th inning, (normally the game has 9 innings), not even knowing that the best part was still to come...
Even the cold weather didn't make us less excited ... I even had to give up my Pachimina in order to make Izzy feel more comfortable, but, it was soooo worth it...
To be honest, these moments at Fenway are precious moments for me... I look in my husband's beautiful eyes and see how happy he is and it's enough to warm my heart...
Last night especially, it looked like he knew something big was about to happen... and it really did!
In the ninth inning, Kevin Youkilis's two out single, scored David Ortiz from 2nd base with the winning run in a 1 - 0 VICTORY FOR THE RED SOX...
What an incredible game!
by: Renata*