In Portuguese:
Estes dias estava lendo um artigo de uma revista que coleciono e fiquei abismada com a quantidade de AMERICANOS que batem (espancam) seus filhos.
Mais de 75%.
Fiquei pasma. Nao gosto de julgar as pessoas e nem estou aqui pra determinar o que eh certo e o que eh errado, mas nao concordo com a ideia de bater em crianca.
Acredito que bater em crianca eh meio que aquela ideia de:
"-... a crianca nao DEVE agredir seus amiguinhos e nem bater em ninguem (pq eh errado), MAS, vc pode bater nela"? por que?? porque simplesmente vc eh maior que ela e entende mais das regras da vida e por ironia do destino eh o responsavel por este ser??
Well, com esta atitude a gente so mostra que "nao tem problema agredir um outro ser humano" principalmente se o "ser em questao" eh pequeno e fragil...
As criancas necessitam de Amor e muita conversa. As vezes eh necessario ensinar um habito a uma crianca + de 200 vezes pra que ela aprenda... Paciencia eh uma virtude e ser pai e mae nao eh facil, porem eh a melhor coisa do mundo!!!!
Desculpa o assunto polemico, mas eu precisava desabafar, me sinto muiiiito incomodada com o fato de que minha filha vai crescer num mundo onde eh perfeitamente "ok" bater ou espancar um outro ser humano, simplesmente porque ele eh menor no tamanho e consideravelmente mais fragil...
By: Renata Wilson
Few days ago, I was reading an article on one of my favorite magazines and got so surprised by people saying that they do spank their kids.
I dont' want to judge anyone who does that because it's not right to judge people, but I would like to express myself about it.
I do have a 4 year old girl who has her moments, believe ME! however it makes me sad to think she will grow up in a world where is "OK" to hit someone smaller than you.
2 years ago, when she was on her "terrible twos" she did get a slap on her but once in while - nothing big, and I would never call that spank, but I can tell you that behavior never really made me feel satisfied or happy. I am not even sure if taught her anything, I think we should talk to our kids and make them understand things rather than make them fear their parents - that's my point of view.
I know sometimes its hard to make a child understand that they can't "touch" the fire place/ and that requires a little bit more than just a "talk", but still, spanking isn't the solution!!!
Kids needs supervision, LOTS OF LOVE and TALK - Never NEVER Never SPANK!!!
By: Renata W.
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