Izzy's first Day at Pre School*
Dan and I would like to thank you all for the lovely emails asking about how was Izzy’s first day at school. It means so much to us !
It was Great!
Izzy and mommy woke up about 7:30 am on Tuesday morning.
It took me a little while to get her lunch, snack, drinks, extra clothes and get her ready to go, but it was so much fun!
While I was doing everything I was supposed to do in order to get her to school, all my pregnancy memories were going through my mind and I was so amazed by the fact that our little girl is big enough to go to school already.
It seems like I met Dan not too long ago! Where did the time go?
We got to the YMCA Newton Program around 8:15 am and she was so overwhelmed by the cute room with all those toys and colorful things hanging everywhere.
Miss Lia (her teacher), was so warm and welcomed Izzy with open arms. After a few minutes of talking and checking Izzy’s spot in the class, it was time to leave and all I said was:
“-Bye sweetie, Mommy and Daddy will pick you up at 1:00 pm, only a few hours from now!”
Her answer:
“- Bye Mommy!”
I could not believe it!
* Dan and I met at the Y around 1:00 and we were able to get into the class room without being noticed by Izzy, and we were able to watch her a little bit!
We were so proud of her!
Miss Lia told us she was so good! She ate her entire lunch (except for her tomatoes) and asked about us 3 times, but was ok with the fact we were coming back to pick her up!
It was an amazing and happy day for all of us!
Dan and I would like to thank you all for the lovely emails asking about how was Izzy’s first day at school. It means so much to us !
It was Great!
Izzy and mommy woke up about 7:30 am on Tuesday morning.
It took me a little while to get her lunch, snack, drinks, extra clothes and get her ready to go, but it was so much fun!
While I was doing everything I was supposed to do in order to get her to school, all my pregnancy memories were going through my mind and I was so amazed by the fact that our little girl is big enough to go to school already.
It seems like I met Dan not too long ago! Where did the time go?
We got to the YMCA Newton Program around 8:15 am and she was so overwhelmed by the cute room with all those toys and colorful things hanging everywhere.
Miss Lia (her teacher), was so warm and welcomed Izzy with open arms. After a few minutes of talking and checking Izzy’s spot in the class, it was time to leave and all I said was:
“-Bye sweetie, Mommy and Daddy will pick you up at 1:00 pm, only a few hours from now!”
Her answer:
“- Bye Mommy!”
I could not believe it!
* Dan and I met at the Y around 1:00 and we were able to get into the class room without being noticed by Izzy, and we were able to watch her a little bit!
We were so proud of her!
Miss Lia told us she was so good! She ate her entire lunch (except for her tomatoes) and asked about us 3 times, but was ok with the fact we were coming back to pick her up!
It was an amazing and happy day for all of us!
In Portuguese:
Primeiro dia de Escolinha da Izzy!
Foi maravihoso! Obrigada por todos os emails perguntando sobre como tudo se passou! Eu e o Dan nos sentimos muito felizes com o interesse e o carinho de todos!
Terca feira dia 06 de Janeiro de 2009, quase 7:40 da manha (acordamos)…
Eu me levanto toda entusiasmada, vou a cozinha, preparo um lanche fresquinho pra Izzy, preparei seu snack e seus drinkes e fui ao quarto acorda-la.
Ela, como sempre, no maior mau humor, acordou e ja ficou irritadinha que eu estava com a camera nas maos, tirando fotos e gravando o “big moment” rsrsrs.
Chegamos a escola por volta da 8:15 e ela ficou toda encantada com a sala de aula toda colorida e com desenhoss e badulaques por toda a parte!
Senhorita Lia, (a professora) se apresentou, e a recebeu de bracos abertos, mostrou o banheirinho com duas privadinhas e cortininhas pra privacidade das criancas, mostrou onde lava as maozinhas, onde seca, mostrou onde pendura o casaco e a mochilinha… tudo muito colorido e cute!
Depois de acertamos alguns detalhes, chega a hora da separacao.. Coracao aperta… primeira vez que deixo minha filhinhaa numa escola (so com estranhos! Snif, snif! Rs)
Eu olho pra ela e digo:
“- Bye Izzy! Mommy e daddy vamos voltar a uma hora pra te pegar ok?”
Resposta dela:
“- bye mommy!”
Eh mole?
E eu toda chorosa, parti, rumo ao meu carro..
Meio perdida sem saber o que fazer sem meu bebe!!!!
1:00 pm me encontro com maridex no estacionamento da escola, chegamos a tempo de ve-la sentadinha e pudemos observar como ela se enturmou rapido!
A professora disse que ela foi um “docinho de coco”.. .comeu o snack e o lanchinho, exceto pelos tomatinhos que eu coloquei (that figures hum?)
Qdo elas nos viu, abriu os bracinhos e veio correndo ao encontro do daddy que a abracou e cheio de orgulho encheu-a de beijinhos e perguntas!!!!
Que dia maravilhoso! Vai ficar na historia!
Izzy: Parabens filhinha! Estamos muito orgulhosos de voce!
Primeiro dia de Escolinha da Izzy!
Foi maravihoso! Obrigada por todos os emails perguntando sobre como tudo se passou! Eu e o Dan nos sentimos muito felizes com o interesse e o carinho de todos!
Terca feira dia 06 de Janeiro de 2009, quase 7:40 da manha (acordamos)…
Eu me levanto toda entusiasmada, vou a cozinha, preparo um lanche fresquinho pra Izzy, preparei seu snack e seus drinkes e fui ao quarto acorda-la.
Ela, como sempre, no maior mau humor, acordou e ja ficou irritadinha que eu estava com a camera nas maos, tirando fotos e gravando o “big moment” rsrsrs.
Chegamos a escola por volta da 8:15 e ela ficou toda encantada com a sala de aula toda colorida e com desenhoss e badulaques por toda a parte!
Senhorita Lia, (a professora) se apresentou, e a recebeu de bracos abertos, mostrou o banheirinho com duas privadinhas e cortininhas pra privacidade das criancas, mostrou onde lava as maozinhas, onde seca, mostrou onde pendura o casaco e a mochilinha… tudo muito colorido e cute!
Depois de acertamos alguns detalhes, chega a hora da separacao.. Coracao aperta… primeira vez que deixo minha filhinhaa numa escola (so com estranhos! Snif, snif! Rs)
Eu olho pra ela e digo:
“- Bye Izzy! Mommy e daddy vamos voltar a uma hora pra te pegar ok?”
Resposta dela:
“- bye mommy!”
Eh mole?
E eu toda chorosa, parti, rumo ao meu carro..
Meio perdida sem saber o que fazer sem meu bebe!!!!
1:00 pm me encontro com maridex no estacionamento da escola, chegamos a tempo de ve-la sentadinha e pudemos observar como ela se enturmou rapido!
A professora disse que ela foi um “docinho de coco”.. .comeu o snack e o lanchinho, exceto pelos tomatinhos que eu coloquei (that figures hum?)
Qdo elas nos viu, abriu os bracinhos e veio correndo ao encontro do daddy que a abracou e cheio de orgulho encheu-a de beijinhos e perguntas!!!!
Que dia maravilhoso! Vai ficar na historia!
Izzy: Parabens filhinha! Estamos muito orgulhosos de voce!
11 comentários:
It's wild, but I still can picture Dan and I first going to school. It's so exciting.
Izzy! I'm so proud of you and it doesn't get better than this. You are already so smart. I can't wait to see what school will do! I'll be looking forward to your graduation day...from Harvard!
Nossa, como o tempo passa n e amiga? Parece que foi ontem que a nossa pequena Izabella nasceu! Agora... ja indo para a escola! Good job Izzy, we are so proud of you! Look at you being such a big girl! We love you so much!
Izzy, eu nem tenho como expressar meu orgulho por voce minha amada filhinha!
Deus te abencoe nesta nova jornada da sua vida e eu e o daddy estamos que nao cabe em contentamento e felicidade por voce ser tao especial!
Te amamos!
Seus pais!
Que legal Izzy primeiro dia de escola e sempre bom. Da umas borboletinhas na barriga mas logo passa.
Parece que voce se divertiu bastante.
Adorei a mochilinha da sininho.
Um abraço apertado.
Ana Paula.
Re e Dan,adorei e tb fiquei muito emocionada com sua linda descricao sobre o primeiro dia de escola da Izzy. Muito lindo isso, vcs realmente curte cada momento da vidinha dela, isso tb vai fazer muita diferenca na felicidade dela qd for adulta. Agora e para Izzy...lindinha espero que vc seja essa menina corajosa pra sempre, pois nao e facil o primeiro dia em nenhuma escola, vc foi brilhante e como seus pais tb estou muito feliz e espero pode dividir outros momentos importantes de sua vida. te amo muito....bjus da titia Gica Lilica....e assim ne Re q vc me chama???rsrsrrs I loved it
esse anonimo ai sou eu Re....vc ve cliquei no lugar errado...nao estou acostumada c isso ainda...rsrsrsr bjus Gica
What an exciting day! You're already 3 and going to school! You are such a smart girl and you have such a bright future ahead of you. We can't wait to see where this journey takes you. We love you and don't complain about homework in the future :) Love Uncle Ross, Auntie Sara, Addy, and Nathaniel
izzy i love you!
Izzy I can not believe how fast you are growing up! I am so happy to have had the pleasure of seeing you go through all your mile stones... solid foods, first tooth, first word an now your first day of school! You mean the world to me and although these are very important times in your life I want you to know that I treasure all the times we have spent reading books, drawing pictures, and just spending time together. Your first day of school is so special and important but I know that you will make every day at school just as special.I love you so much kiddo and remember you can always call me for help with your homework ;)
xoxo Aunty Char
Izzy, It seems like yesterday you were still in your Mama's tummy, now look at you. You are so grown up and going to school. We are all so proud of you! Enjoy your time, it will be fun to make new friends and learn new things. We love, you are such a beautiful little girl!
Love Uncle Jim, Auntie Celena and cousins Joe and Jacob
IZZY, I hope that you enjoy your going to school because it gets pretty boring after going to school for 12 years when you still have 4 more years left and college. Have fun,
Love Cousin Joe
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