... Today was a longgggggggg day...
In the morning we went to Izzy's Check up appointment. We saw Dr Yuan, Izzy went through some hearing and vision tests, which came back fine - Also a Polio vaccine and a lot of talk...
I can't believe our little girl is 4 years old. She is a big, smart and healthy little girl and we are sooo proud of her!
I also got my shots :( the Flu vaccine and the H1N1 as well! The H1N1 i didn't even fell anything, however the flu shot "ai,ai,ai"... that hurts!!!
After that I took Izzy to Playtown Express (near by) - It was Alyssa's bday and even thought her party will be on sunday, we got together to play a little bit.
Linda, Alyssa's mom, convinced me to go to her house after the playdate for a little chat - oh well, got home around 4:30pm.
Had pizza for "dinner", also baked some choc chip cookies (when will I learn???) and put Izzy to sleep soon - the poor thing has a bad cold and feel awful :(
Hubby made a sour apple martini and we watched 24, American Idol, The Cake Boss.....
Now I am in bed and hubby is snoring right by my side, like a very good company :(
I better go to sleep, cause tomorrow is PAJAMAS day at Izzy's school and I don't want to be late for that!!! it should be very interesting and funny for the kids!
Good night everyone!
In portuguese:
Hoje foi um dia bem longuinho. Levei Izzy ao pediatra logo cedo, que constatou que ela esta otima gracas a Deus. Fez exame de visao e de escuta e tudo normal gracas ao Bom Deus.
Tomou vacina de sarampo e nem chorou... ta crescendo esta minha filhota!
Depois fomos brincar num parquinho indoors que temos aqui perto de casa e celebramos o aniver da Alyssa que nos encontrou la...
Ficamos no parque ate umas 3:00 da tarde e fomos pra casa da Alyssa.. voltei pra casa quase 4:30, nem fiz janta, assei uma pizza deliciosa da DIGORNO e fiz um cookies pra adocar meus amores...
Izzy foi pra cama cedo porque esta com uma gripezinha danada, Dan fez martini de maca e assistimos Tv ate tarde...
Now, estamos na nossa caminha quentinha... Dan roncando ao meu lado e eu feliz apos mais um dia de vida :)
Amanha, dia do pijama na escolinha da Izzy - Mal posso esperar!
Boa noite galera!!!